Best way to mine stubs
Tired of just paying to obtain the cards I want and looking to learn how to mine stubs. Any specific YouTube videos to watch to learn?
I understand I will get [censored] for saying I gladly spend money on this game. I don’t do it to win. (58-53 RS record). I don’t do it to get and advantage in my opponent. I just like collecting cards finishing collections and playing with guys that I always wanted to use in game. Last year I spent a few thousand and was satisfied with my team and won 3 out of 7 WS I attempted to rank and never finished lower than DS. So it was fun but paying constantly for more stubs makes it too easy to obtain who you want. I’d rather learn the market and add another layer of fun and difficulty to the game and get stubs without the need to buy them. Sorry for the long post but I know people who spend to gain an advantage are considered [censored] heads on here but I honestly just want the players I want. Nothing more nothing less.
If the gameplay wasn’t scripted garbage, I’d spend money too. But with the current state of the game HELL NO.
Why would I spend money for players I want just to watch the game take complete control of them regardless of my input?
Can’t really say how I make my stubs because then I won’t be making any if I post..
It's just something you have to do yourself, find a niche in the market, get comfortable with it. I'm sure you already know the basic principles like buy low/sell high, quantity is more important than quality of flip (imo) and so on.
It can be a grind and it's not always easy. If I had the money, I'd prob spend it over working the market, there is no shame in doing either.
I'm one of those wierdos who likes a nice long tedious grind in a video game. It's much more fulfilling to get a great card when you have to go through so much to get it. Even if I had the extra money to blow on stubs, I probably wouldn't.