Hereeeeeee we go againnnnnnn
Cool story bro.
I stopped reading after you missed the tag at 2nd on a double play
Yet another waah I lost and it's all the game's fault post. Totally didn't see that coming.
Missesd the tag at 2nd he literally ran through me like I was a ghost he should of been out. No tag animation nothing.... You guys must of all rode the short bus together to school
@sxbxddy7516_xbl said in Hereeeeeee we go againnnnnnn:
Missesd the tag at 2nd he literally ran through me like I was a ghost he should of been out. No tag animation nothing.... You guys must of all rode the short bus together to school
broski, you just posted a novel on how the game cheated you in your push to 600. We've all been cheated in Ranked. Posting it on here in hopes someone will rub your belly is to sleep gives us all the sh-ts
I don't post it for you guys I post it in hopes SDS sees the bullish we go through and fixes the [censored] game
@sxbxddy7516_xbl said in Hereeeeeee we go againnnnnnn:
I don't post it for you guys I post it in hopes SDS sees the bullish we go through and fixes the [censored] game
The game has been out for more than five months. If they haven’t fixed it by now, they never will in this game cycle.
I'm a casual noob that doesn't know how to play so I'm gonna blame the game, please please please why can't this game hold my hand for me.
DD is horrible
@sxbxddy7516_xbl said in Hereeeeeee we go againnnnnnn:
Just played a Ranked game pushing for WS. Its just obvious as hell when the game is gonna make you lose. Made a beautiful diving catch with SR it just hits my glove goes 20 ft the other direction so cf cant get it guy on 2nd. You would think a routine fly ball right to CF but for some reason acuna doesn't catch it even tho im standing under it for awhile. Guy scores from 2nd. Oh keep in mind it was 2-2 before this I hit a 2 run hr and he hit a 2 run hr both of us with schwarber hmmm odd. So now it's 3-2 cuz the guy on 2nd that should of never been there scores. Next inning I get a two run shot 4-3. He comes up guy on hunts with trea should be a dble play try to tag the guy at a second runs right through me like I'm not even there. Throw to first no db the guy that was on 2nd scores cuz theres no dble play an my first basemen wouldn't throw in time. Flys out next inning 4-4 now. I hit my 2 hr with acuna 5-4. Next inning. He hits a hr on a perfect perfect change that was supposed to be way inside but some how is perfect and ends up bottom of the zone meatball 5-5 . next guy gets up he someone gets a hit on a very late slider inside. Next guy i throw a fb high and way out of the strike zone like Judge top of the strike zone high and its with hader so it has that sweep to it the guy Perfect Perfects it. Like please please tell me how the hell is that even possible. For one the ball wasnt even near or even could have been near his pci.
"All I read in this boring a$$ post is "I hit a hr, I hit a hr to tie it" God shut up already not everything is going to be a saved dub cause u hit a hr. He beat u by "small ball" not "longball" hrhead