@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
I have every other cardbin game too...uniforms, equipment, icons, nameplates, stadiums, sounds, and perks...I doubt you have them too....that adds about 2-3 million to how much I have earned...you are adorable
I got something you can flip
@gilfavor1909 said in Flipping:
how is anyone flipping rn the market blows. there’s like no profit to be made
very very false
if you have 90 minutes you can very easily make 100k on simple flipping
There are 4 cards I have been consistently flipping for the last week between 2200-3500 stubs per sale. I was down to 20k stubs after buying trout. I am just over 279k right now. It actually could be a ton more but I’m only putting buy/orders in between playing events and BR games. I might just take a day to flip and see what I can get up to but I don’t know if I could do it.
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@oreorockstar_psn said in Flipping:
I have been very successful flipping and have all the cards as well, but I know there are likely better ways. You put something out that is easier, I will happily watch and give props
I wonder what percentage of us actually do? Small disclaimer
I started mid may so I do not have Shef or Alomar
I am about 80 cards away from having all the players, I started about 3 weeks ago, I kept the majority of the cards I earned. Flipping is not hard you just have to have the time to do it. I have had some help this last week and it has made a huge difference.
@gilfavor1909 said in Flipping:
how is anyone flipping rn the market blows. there’s like no profit to be made
Plenty of profit to be made on the market just have to flip the cards that are moving fast for the right price and put in the work
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
I have every other cardbin game too...uniforms, equipment, icons, nameplates, stadiums, sounds, and perks...I doubt you have them too....that adds about 2-3 million to how much I have earned...you are adorable
Well first you are a tool... Second you are wrong...
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I’ll toss you a view If you promise to continue having tantrums over pause timers, bragging about offline parallels, telling people you would “spit in their face without hesitation,” and noting how you are “bigger or stronger.” Hell, call me a fan if that’s the case.
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
I have every other cardbin game too...uniforms, equipment, icons, nameplates, stadiums, sounds, and perks...I doubt you have them too....that adds about 2-3 million to how much I have earned...you are adorable
Lol the not as easy for some people wasn't even directed at you... But you are definitely a tool for sure... You have made less though cause I started mid May... I'm sure you started pre launch... Adorable little kid you...
I have two serious suggestions for people looking to make stubs -- 1.) stop buying packs (of any kind), and 2.) spend less time on the forums and more time on the market. I know that sounds rude, but I'm honestly not trying to be an Arizona D-bag when I say that. I was recently banned for a month from the forums so I spent my boring downtime at work doing flippy floppies instead of trolling. I went from 15K and an embarrassingly thin inventory to about 250K in liquid stubbies + a good amount of longterm investments + I am confident I am ready (or almost completely ready) to unlock whatever the next big collection reward is on the day it releases. On a bad day I still make 100K per day without much effort. (And please don't take that as a "brag" or a "flex." It takes zero brain cells to do this, so I'm not trying to be the Warren Buffet of the MLBTS market.)
As is usually the case in life, I would suggest avoiding the extremes. Don't try flipping high-priced diamonds expecting 10K+ per flip, and don't waste time entering 1000s of 25 stub buy orders on bronzes hoping to make a 100 stub profit per flip. Look for the 600-800 stub margins and just exploit those.
EDIT: Oh, and don't do it on a phone or on the console. Use a desktop and use copy-paste. Choose a very manageable number of cards (maybe 10-20) and concentrate on those. Don't spread yourself thin by having to load 100 different pages. Just enter 10 buy orders at a time for 10-20 different cards, then reload those.
DOUBLE EDIT: Also, just be patient. Everything in a reasonable price range will sell eventually. Don't get sucked into the undercut game. If you know you can sell a card for 2K and some Wangder Franco swoops in with a sell order of 1900, don't cancel and relist at 1895. Have faith. It'll sell for 2K eventually. That's why I suggest not getting into the high-value new cards. Those are volatile. But the golds and low diamonds that have been around forever are relatively stable.
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@crash447_xbl said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I've thought of this and while I do like the idea of helping others out...if you get too specific you will kill the market for what is working. Not to mention that flipping isn't rocket science and if you are not having success, you really aren't trying that hard.
So many aspects to this game that are hard...but the market really isn't one of them in my opinion. I think most people who have trouble with the market or flipping in general, just don't want to spend their time that way ...which is very, very fair.
The ones that have trouble is the only ones this is for... You don't teach a doctor they are a doctor you may be a better doctor but for them schools out... You teach the premeds... I see bad and vague advice offered to them... As for killing the market... Doubt I would get that many views...
Please tell us more about your educational philosophy on your YouTube channel.
its simple there are 4 types of basic flipping
1 the big score trying to get 10k in profit + (this is hard to do and why a lot of people dont try and think flipping is impossible )
2 pure numbers game ( buying hundreds of cards with a low profit margin of 100 to a few hundred per card easy to do but time consuming )
3 the upgrade gamble ( buying a large number of a single player in hopes he goes up a color tier to quick sell )
4 program/easy exp cards ( these cards have a much higher stock market feel because a lot are given as rewards and have a short window of need ) -
@wolfwind_psn said in Flipping:
its simple there are 4 types of basic flipping
1 the big score trying to get 10k in profit + (this is hard to do and why a lot of people dont try and think flipping is impossible )
2 pure numbers game ( buying hundreds of cards with a low profit margin of 100 to a few hundred per card easy to do but time consuming )
3 the upgrade gamble ( buying a large number of a single player in hopes he goes up a color tier to quick sell )
4 program/easy exp cards ( these cards have a much higher stock market feel because a lot are given as rewards and have a short window of need )You're missing the exploitable market between 1 and 2. You don't have to aim for 10K per flip and you don't have to settle for 100, either. You can find avenues to make 600-800 or sometimes even 1K at a time. That's been the best road for me.
I made a ton in 19 using #3. Every gold I invested in eventually went diamond, so I thought I was a genius. Last year my luck ran out and most of my investments didn't hit. I was sitting on a gazillion Tim Anderson and they didn't make him diamond until the last update after the season ended, and by then everybody was a millionaire several times over and it didn't matter anymore.
@schnauzerface said in Flipping:
You're missing the exploitable market between 1 and 2. You don't have to aim for 10K per flip and you don't have to settle for 100, either. You can find avenues to make 600-800 or sometimes even 1K at a time. That's been the best road for me.
Averaging 2166 in the month of July, myself (not including "flips" of cards acquired through pack openings)
Stubs are there for those who want to earn them. It definitely takes "sweat equity", but if you put the work in, you can get the stubs out.
@savefarris_psn said in Flipping:
@schnauzerface said in Flipping:
You're missing the exploitable market between 1 and 2. You don't have to aim for 10K per flip and you don't have to settle for 100, either. You can find avenues to make 600-800 or sometimes even 1K at a time. That's been the best road for me.
Averaging 2166 in the month of July, myself (not including "flips" of cards acquired through pack openings)
Stubs are there for those who want to earn them. It definitely takes "sweat equity", but if you put the work in, you can get the stubs out.
2166 per flip? That's a sexy margin. Is there an easy way to find the average profit per flip, or do you have to keep your own spreadsheet?
@savefarris_psn said in Flipping:
Gotcha. If I could export my transaction history into an excel document I might do that. But I don't think I'm interested enough to put that kind of time and energy into monitoring my progress. As long as the numbers are going up (and I'm adding to my inventory) then I'm a happy hippopotamus.
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
I have every other cardbin game too...uniforms, equipment, icons, nameplates, stadiums, sounds, and perks...I doubt you have them too....that adds about 2-3 million to how much I have earned...you are adorable
Well first you are a tool... Second you are wrong...
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
@lornee56_psn said in Flipping:
@texasgambler33_psn said in Flipping:
Thinking about making a YouTube devoted to flipping... I watch some of these videos and yea they kind of know what they are talking about, but... Well 1858 pages of completed transactions and every flashback/legend card in my inventory I think Im better... Basically just seeing if anyone would be interested in checking out the videos?
I have 1989 pages of completed orders, 5 million stubs and every flashback/ legend card....its not hard.
So we are about even... Actually you have made less than me... But it is not as easy for some people...
I have every other cardbin game too...uniforms, equipment, icons, nameplates, stadiums, sounds, and perks...I doubt you have them too....that adds about 2-3 million to how much I have earned...you are adorable
Well first you are a tool... Second you are wrong...
You seem like a winner...I'm going to give you this one because from other feedback in your other posts, you are mentally ill. I will pray for you tonight...(note:I'm an athiest)
@schnauzerface said in Flipping:
@savefarris_psn said in Flipping:
@schnauzerface said in Flipping:
You're missing the exploitable market between 1 and 2. You don't have to aim for 10K per flip and you don't have to settle for 100, either. You can find avenues to make 600-800 or sometimes even 1K at a time. That's been the best road for me.
Averaging 2166 in the month of July, myself (not including "flips" of cards acquired through pack openings)
Stubs are there for those who want to earn them. It definitely takes "sweat equity", but if you put the work in, you can get the stubs out.
2166 per flip? That's a sexy margin. Is there an easy way to find the average profit per flip, or do you have to keep your own spreadsheet?
Not quite 2166 but I've been averaging roughly 17-1800 per flip the last few weeks. Like others have said I think the reason people don't flip much is because they think we are all making 10 or 15k per flip and they can't find cards where that is possible lmao