All the promises that they were going to fix this, add that. Don't worry, just keep buying it, and continue spending money on it. EVERYTHING that everyone complained about it, still messed up or non existent. Guess what? Next 1 is going to be the same pooped into a box game, same false fake promises. The one after that, and after that. Why? Because you'll still buy it, and thats all that matters to them is that they got your money, while BSing you
I think the game is awesome and too many people are complaining about nothing. There’s always some sort of fault in every game. No game is perfect. SDS , in my opinion did an outstanding job on this game. All I can say is this game is absolutely amazing. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but what game doesn’t.
I think the game is awesome and too many people are complaining about nothing. There’s always some sort of fault in every game. No game is perfect. SDS , in my opinion did an outstanding job on this game. All I can say is this game is absolutely amazing. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but what game doesn’t.