After 5 long years…
Was at work yesterday while the flash sales were going on, and decided to purchase one of the Live Series diamond packs. Usually I’m not about buying packs, but decided the 1:10 was worth the risk since the 90+ cards are so expensive. I waited until I got home to open, and what do ya know… first time in 5 years of playing I actually pulled the Big Fish from a pack! Y’all can go ahead and “Nice Try Ramone” me all y’all want haha. Only need Cole, so should I go ahead and pick him up to finish off AL for Posada, Gossage, and Ortiz?
Anyways, great start to the weekend and hope y’all have a great weekend as well gents!
Congrats, dude. If it took you 5 years, you deserve it imo
I’ve never Trout in my 4 years playing, but somehow each Live Series Diamond Flash Sale I pull a 90+. Last night was Cole.
I’ll probably pull trout the year he retires and is like a 78 silver
Good for you. Yes finish AL for Ortiz!
Congrats man! I pulled him from the same pack... I couldn't believe it when I saw those teal lights. I've played a lot of years and this is my first time pulling him also. I already had him so I immediately sold him for 550k though.