leiter, paxton, or vida?
I recommend Leiter.
Will Leiters price ever get around 100k?
I’ve only faced Leiter once and have never pitched with him but I found him incredibly easy to hit. Idk maybe my opponent just wasn’t that good but I lit him up. Don’t have Vita yet but he looks like the real deal and his delivery is always tough to pick up on.
@namtrah22_psn said in leiter, paxton, or vida?:
I’ve only faced Leiter once and have never pitched with him but I found him incredibly easy to hit. Idk maybe my opponent just wasn’t that good but I lit him up. Don’t have Vita yet but he looks like the real deal and his delivery is always tough to pick up on.
Oddly enough I feel the same. When I use him, he’s amazing but I’ve torched him. I think the lack of offspeed hurts him
Al Focking Liter is numero uno
Wanted to bump this up - Pitched one game with each Paxton, and Leiter - Leiter got hit harder, Paxton got hit, but was ok.. but when you see the higher levels you don't see much Paxton, but see a lot of Leiter... HoF and up, Leiter better?
Leiter has lower velo and better control/break i think which makes him kinda easy on AS if you face someone who doesn't chase. My first outing with him was horrible but hes been solid since (I cap around low 700s -- hard to keep up with speeds bouncing back and forth and I dont use a monitor).
@khain24_psn said in leiter, paxton, or vida?:
Leiter has lower velo and better control/break i think which makes him kinda easy on AS if you face someone who doesn't chase. My first outing with him was horrible but hes been solid since (I cap around low 700s -- hard to keep up with speeds bouncing back and forth and I dont use a monitor).
Yeah, you are probably right about ppl chasing vs not.
Monitors are key by the way - game changer for me this year vs playing on my TV.
I'd say Leiter, Vida, then Paxton. Leiter has great movement and control, so you can keep guys off balance all game if you're mixing it up and spotting it well. Vida's interesting, but he's more hit and miss. Some guys can't touch him, and other guys hit him like BP. That maxed out H/9 is nice though. Paxton is weird for me this year...just like last year. He seems like he should be better than he is. He's just kinda...meh?
@peuswahboy_psn said in leiter, paxton, or vida?:
I'd say Leiter, Vida, then Paxton. Leiter has great movement and control, so you can keep guys off balance all game if you're mixing it up and spotting it well. Vida's interesting, but he's more hit and miss. Some guys can't touch him, and other guys hit him like BP. That maxed out H/9 is nice though. Paxton is weird for me this year...just like last year. He seems like he should be better than he is. He's just kinda...meh?
Appreciate the feedback - Haven't tried Vida, but def was able to time him up, but I can see some ppl not touching him. There are just too many lefties now..