That Dude, Cbrev, With Some Wisdom
Diamond Dynasty
He ain't wrong, though
I need to get better at staying composed and having a consistent disciplined approach. Great video there
He's right, and that's the part I struggle with. I know I'm not getting to "flip ten quarters" each game because I push and don't get those good at bats the majority of the time, so when I do get it right it frustrates me even more.
It was a good video to watch. I like him, been subscribed for ages.
This is honestly one of the best videos I've seen on MLB 19. It's something I try to practice a lot, and sometimes I'm successful, but I do get "tilted' on occasion. Whether the game screwed me or not, that mindset means I'm telling myself I don't need to improve. That's an easy mindset to have, a hard one to shake.