Roberts vs Sandberg
I know SDS can and will do whatever they please, but OMG.
Just compare the splits on Sandberg vs Roberts. You'll throw up in your mouth.
They did Sandberg dirty and Roberts definitely has SDS hostage with something.
SLG, AVG, you name it. It's gross.
This is probably the best roberts card that will come out. Sandberg will definitely still get a 99 that should be much better than roberts.
Um Sandberg has another card coming while this will be Roberts final one so hold your horses
Sandberg is low key amazing ... I bought that card when it came out and it banged for me until I got Jackie.
Don't sleep on Ryno ......I just put a $19,999 bid on Roberts ...cause that's what I think he is worth at this point. The bid will probably go through this weekend.
Here's my issue.
If you are going to have an individual year card, be consistent with the ratings.
Sandberg All Star? Great. Use a different year. Don't nerf his highest SLG year and then boost Roberts like that.
If any were prime, SS, then it's multiple years,. more rounded etc. That's cool.
I'd like some consistency in the cards.
Mike Scott got nerfed with this 91. Same year used last year got a 99.
Be consistent.