Whattup SDS, it's ya boy Franchise Playa! #FIXFRANCHISE
General Discussion
Whattup SDS, it's ya boy Franchise Playa! I'm mad-phattie-dope-kicken-it here playing some conquest and I'm BORED OUTTA MY FUGGIN' MIND. It's June ALREADY! Can you please fix the issues that are holding back FRANCHISE MODE!
I know I don't make videos with thumbnails of my stupid face in an excited state reacting to the same 'ole content-update you trick momos into thinking is something special and tell people I'm "their boy", but come on man! The problems aren't even gameplay related. They're mostly logistical.
It's one thing that the base logic resembles that of the MLB oh, about a decade ago, but could you at least fix the day-game/schedule issue? Ya bunch of greedy EA wannabes.