so I was allowed to join a lg , it plays GUESS PITCH OFF ... I tried it in an online ranked gm . Have been a long time GUESS PITCH ON online ranked gm player . but with a new PS5 and a NEW MLB THE SHOW21 I thought I would give it a try ... JUST DON'T GET IT .. with guess pitch off the pitcher controls everything and the batter has to hope the gm takes his accuracy away and the hitter just happens to press X at that moment .. AM I WRONG or RIGHT ... let me hear ya
Guess pitch on was never an option in ranked games.
yes it is ... been playing guess pitch in online ranked games for years
@edsrott1_mlbts said in GUESS PITCH ON or OFF ??:
yes it is ... been playing guess pitch in online ranked games for years
Tf kinda ranked games you playing? Play against computer ain’t ranked.
They really need to change the name of Online rated. There is a very clear disconnect every time a post is made about online rated and people thinking it's Ranked they are talking about
playin it now .. I meant online rated. ... good point dragon 1912
Guess pitch becomes kind of a crutch. First couple years I played with it on but once I eventually turned it off my reaction time and hitting greatly improved.
Guess pitch is for people that need a crutch. No skill involved
Can you imagine. Contact swingers and guess pitch. Lol. That's like kids running around with riot shield in warzone
do you think all real pro baseball players GUESS THE PITCH ???? I think so. ... is this game REALISTIC ... that's what the advertising says .... is there a downside to GUESS PITCH ?? supposedly if you guess right its a PLUS .. IF YOU GUESS WRONG .. NOT SO GOOD OUTCOME .. now lets talk about alll the BITCHPITCHING you guys are doing ... is that why you guys don't like guess pitch ... I believe so ... should I turn BALKS ON ??? I have and after 3 balks players quit HAHAHA. ... slow down KIDS
Online rated top of leaderboard are primarily guess pitch rookie users
I never use it anyway. Too much risk vs reward. I usually sit with my PCI a little bit up and in from center and wait out the pitcher until I get a fastball in that quarter of the zone or sit at least slightly up and wait. Takes a lot of practice to develop the patience for it but it’ll pay off and at the very least will tire out the pitcher if it’s someone you struggle hitting off of.