Network Error help
what's your error code? been having that problem too,
I've been having the problem also. It's not an internet problem and I have tried everything. Nothing works.
Nothing like cruising thru Showdown to get a Network Error message in the Final Showdown down by 4.
I’m experiencing the exact same thing, have reached out to them multiple times, nothing. I am at an absolute loss
@AuraOfRashida1E1 said in Network Error help:
what's your error code? been having that problem too,
I’ve been getting “challenge failed: the game server closed your game session.” Followed by “Error: the game server closed your game session.”
SDS please respond to this thread, these should not be ignored. Stop wasting time catering to people complaining that hitting is too hard.
Show of hands, how many of you were in the closed beta? Sound off. Trying to figure out any correlation to pinpoint the problem for SDS.
Still have gotten no help from anyone at MTS
I’m having this problem too. It sucks.
Same exact thing everyone I hate this been like this for a month can’t play anything on diamond dynasty
I keep getting dropped today... soo I'm off till this content update.
I have been having issues as well. Just started yesterday
Americans and their 3rd world internet connections smh.
Never had this issue ever in previous years. Just started. Not an ISP issue because my internet is fine and I have zero issues with any other game online.
For me personally it started after this last update.
Annoying af
I played the game since it was released and have Fibre Op internet through Bell here in Canada with the fastest speeds possible. Everything was fine for me up until yesterday, I'm almost at gold in DD and now can't even play anymore as it says Network Error you have been disconnected from MLB the Show server
I am on Bell Fibre Op as well and have it plugged right into the PS4. Seemed to start for me when the latest update hit.
Same here. Bell fibe op. Last 2 days the game is unplayable. Network error, disconnected from server after 2- 3 innings at most
@C-AnAAn_ said in Network Error help:
I keep getting network error whenever I play any game mode in Diamond Dynasty. But whenever I play another game, like madden, it doesn’t happen. Can anyone help ?
Mlb runs fine on my wifi, but brought to a friends house and he set the wifi up on custom or something, and i kept getting the same thing. Idk how you set up your wifi to the ps4, but id try deleting the wifi off your ps4 and redo it. Unless youre running ethernet or you sure you did the easy setup.
It keep kicking me out but my internet is good
I am in NS Canada and I seem to get disconnected every 20 min. Got booted at 11:55, 12:15 and 12:35.