Add Defensive Awareness Stat
Would it be possible to add a defensive awareness stat to the players? Like, if a player had a 99 defensive awareness stat, and if they were playing shortstop and a ball came in from the outfield and the runner rounded second and continued to third, that instead of catching the ball and rubbing the dirt off the ball with their jersey, they would, I don’t know, go ahead and throw the ball on to third. Conversely though, if they had 47 defensive awareness, they would maybe just chuck the ball in the stands, or maybe put the ball in their back pocket and have their teammates chase them around to try to get it. Think about it.
Lmao. I've been bchin about cut offs for years. They're terrible. They're animated incorrectly most of the time and there's no rush for them to get the ball in.
Or they can just fix the throw urgency that has been broken since the beginning of time
@the_dragon1912 said in Add Defensive Awareness Stat:
Or they can just fix the throw urgency that has been broken since the beginning of time
What good is throw urgency if your player is receiving the throw incorrectly and has to change position to throw. I'll add tag urgency as well. I'm sick and tired of the bs lasafare tagging. Either there's no effort or the just non chalantly swipe at the runner. Catcher tag animations are the absolute worst.