Base running/view find ball.
In 19 I was able to press R1 to look where the ball is at while running to bases. And L1 to look at the third base coach. In the show 20 the controls say hold R1 to view the ball. But that is not working. It does nothing. Is there another way to find where the ball is at while running the bases or can this R1 be fixed correctly?
Answered in another post, but L2 will give a broadcast view and pressing R3 will center it I believe they said. R1 no longer functions the same
It’s a bug and will be patched soon so that R1 functions like it should. As mentioned above L2 can be used as a workaround.
@CapnBob78 said in Base running/view find ball.:
It’s a bug and will be patched soon so that R1 functions like it should. As mentioned above L2 can be used as a workaround.
I hope you are right - someone who is apparently from the dev team (Adam_SDS) suggested that this is intentional and that they actually want to remove the reference in the control overview instead. I think that would be a terrible decision and responded along these lines ...
I'm not a fan of "me too" posts, but I can't help myself in this case. L2 is a terrible alternative to the R1 "find the ball" option (at least in RTTS), and I'm counting on the SDS guys to return that to service versus forcing me to use L2. All of the best arguments have already been made above, but I'm hoping that adding my voice here will help convince the devs just in case that's needed.
I'm also not thrilled about the new L2 to slide requirement; I'm having a heck of a time getting used to that. I'd love to see that idea retired as well, but I will live with it if I have to. -
This is throwing me off, as well as the slide function that I was used to not being the same. Not sure why the change.
As a long time Player Lock player. This was a welcomed change. I love the swing camera and I found out about the slide camera on accident and loved it too. I do wish on defense R2 was used for diving like it was before. So I feel the pain for those who are not used to the change.
Sorry to be the one detractor here. I’m actually a fan of needing to manually look at the ball in play. If RTTS is supposed to feel immersive, we’ll, that’s what you would need to do in real life. Same for sliding into a bag. You kinda need to look at the base and the body language of the base’s defender to know how to slide in. It’s definitely harder this way but I enjoy the change and challenge.
@cellodan1 said in Base running/view find ball.:
Sorry to be the one detractor here. I’m actually a fan of needing to manually look at the ball in play. If RTTS is supposed to feel immersive, we’ll, that’s what you would need to do in real life. Same for sliding into a bag. You kinda need to look at the base and the body language of the base’s defender to know how to slide in. It’s definitely harder this way but I enjoy the change and challenge.
Well, in that case you would have the easy option to simply NOT press the tracking button, so that's hardly an argument for completely removing this function, which apparently a lot of us are sorely missing (I never understood why some people argue for less options, especially in a single player game). In addition, I would also argue that comparing moving between bases while tracking a ball in real life is VERY different from using a gamepad stick to follow the trajectory of a ball, especially if I can't even really look up and a slight stuttering of the game makes it really hard to follow the ball, especially through the infield. I have tracked many balls in real life and never had a problem with it (except for certain cases like looking into bright lights or completely missing the ball initially). They also took away the button that would make you look at the base coach, not sure why that was done.
I find this decision by the studio really irritating and would really like to understand why it was made - it was in the game before and we all know that they didn't build it from scratch up. On top, their "tip" to use the broadcasting view instead makes even less sense. It is really baffling
I would say you are 100% right, my friend. Am I allowed to retract my detraction? Yeah, being able to look up would be pretty awesome.