Check swing soooo poorly done!
The check swing this year is totally broken. This is just one of the many poorly coded parts of the game. Cyberpunk2021 should be the name of this game. Such a long list of bugs can’t even keep up with it but check swings are totally ruining the game.
As with many things, they tuned it way too far up. It needed to happen that check swings were more frequently unsuccessful, but now they basically never hold up. It's always about finding that balance, and it seems like they never test it enough to get it right.
It effects almost every at bat I have...and not in a good way. I don’t mind getting more strikes for a poorly executed check swing. But when I’m swinging good good timing and contact and the game check swings me I want to crush my controller into the floor. I guess I should give SDS a break but this years iteration is pure BAD EFFORT.