What was it that I downloaded yesterday?
My PS5 downloaded what showed up to me as a new update for MLB the show 21 last night around 10. I jumped on here to see if there were patch notes or something I look at to see what changes were made from the update, but I'm not seeing anything. I have been playing the show 21 at least a few hours everyday since release, so I'm sure what I downloaded yesterday night wasn't an update from a few days ago. So what in the heck did I download last night?
Great. Nice little update.
I just read the patch notes. It made me almost literally think I may be insane after reading the final statement. “Double experience is still turned on”. Wow I have yet to have double experience applied to my program correctly. So in actuality it should say regular experience is still turned on. I put in a ticket about the experience and never got a response so...