PS5 Graphics..
@ikasnu_psn said in PS5 Graphics..:
I've been playing on both consoles (Ps4 upstairs, Ps5 downstairs) and can say the Ps5 version is miles superior to the ps4 version. More fluid, quicker load times, and 0 lag.
No doubt the load times are amazing.
@vagimon_psn said in PS5 Graphics..:
There’s over 50 different birds in the game. I’ve seen a red breasted nuthatch, a tufted titmouse, an albatross, several types of falcons, and a very aggressive banty rooster. When you zoom in during a replay, the detail on these birds is top notch. You last-gen suckers are missing out.
LoL... But can you FEED the birds ? Don’t tell me the next gen systems don’t have that capability !
What about the Austin Powers kind of ‘birds’??? The ‘bird’ sitting behind home plate last night during the Angel game for example was spectacular