Game add on code not working
I called Best Buy was told the code should still work but maybe later on like at midnight tonight since it’s a new game. Still [censored] since pre ordered so I can have early access and dlc but now have to wait?
Same here on 2 physical copies ordered from Best Buy.
Same issue here.
Contacted Best Buy support. This is the reply I got:
"I appreciate you both following up with me regarding this, although I do wish it were a different update. As these codes are still experiencing issues with redemption, we ask that you continue to work with manufacturer and Microsoft regarding this. They would be best equipped to provide a resolution as the codes are provided and managed by them.
I truly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but hope that this sheds light on the support route to take for these codes."
So I contacted Microsoft and the agent verified the codes are legit and redeemable but that they lead to a blank page with no title. He told me to contact Best Buy for a replacement code. I asked him what happens if the new code he sends me doesn't work as well? He said to then ask for a refund. I just want my [censored] packs man.
Called Microsoft and tech support said codes would work monday if not recall tech support
@raider420710_xbl said in Game add on code not working:
Called Microsoft and tech support said codes would work monday if not recall tech support
! So the issue is on Microsoft end if I understand the situation correctly ?
Same for me code isnt working for me and i been trying since like 1
Pm today and it still say it cant be found -
The code does not work and i called xbox support and said contact gamestop when i got the game from but i know is not a gamestop issue its on xbox
The "agent" via text chat from Microsoft blamed gamestop and wasn't very good at his job, so after having Microsoft tech support call me the person on the other end immediately knew what i was talking about and without admission of guilt on Microsoft's part said the code will work monday, and proceeded to say agent via text was incompetent and didn't know what he was talking about
Seems like all the companies are jerking us around and say "Contact the other guy". So I did get a Microsoft guy to give me a sort of answer. He said the actual codes were meant for April 20th (Actual regular release day). So, I saw someone else say possibly Monday, but Tuesday at the latest. I think it's [censored] that we pay extra money for this game so we can get EVERYTHING early, and the codes will not work until the regular release day. I'm hoping SONY STUDIOS will make it up to all of us somehow. But DOn't hold your breath. Anyway, hoping we all get our extra GAME ITEMS soon! Hang in there friends. Also if anyone wants to friend me on XBOX or this game look me up: SKirkham1967A I'm a friendly guy that likes to play with folks who don't have a lot of drama online.
I got the same problem also it said that it doesn't exist and i want my stubs!!!!!
@Victor_SDS_PSN @Collin_SDS_PSN how about some help? answers?
Tons of people are getting the run around from the stores, from Microsoft, etc... some acknowledgement at least? -
I am on PS5 and i have the same problem.
I’m glad to see I’m not alone with my Xbox upgrade code not working. Won’t bother reaching out to Xbox or GameStop. My ticket with Mlb the show support says 5 days so there’s that.
The Xbox series X/S and PS5 version of the Jackie Robinson edition are said to be available on 4/20 per the Game Stop site. The Xbox one and PS4 editions are available to play on 4/16. I’m thinking we won’t be able to enter the codes and get our goodies until Tuesday.
I too have this issue. I talked with Xbox support yesterday and they told me the same date of the 20th. It’s kinda cruddy but at least it is being looked into with this many people calling or messaging them.
You know what would have been cool? One statement from SDS yesterday saying the codes won't be activated until the 20th (launch day) That would have solved a lot of aggravation and time. But of course we got nothing.
@night-stranger1_xbl said in Game add on code not working:
You know what would have been cool? One statement from SDS yesterday saying the codes won't be activated until the 20th (launch day) That would have solved a lot of aggravation and time. But of course we got nothing.
Of course. Way better to let your customers in the dark.
@aztek-25_xbl said in Game add on code not working:
I called Best Buy was told the code should still work but maybe later on like at midnight tonight since it’s a new game. Still [censored] since pre ordered so I can have early access and dlc but now have to wait?
Still not working.
So either monday or tuesday it should work
I tried code Friday, contacted xbox about issue, said should work on Tuesday, tried both Monday and, now again early morning Tuesday, same thing. Code not found..contract retailer, who will direct me to xbox...pass around game for a $100 pre-order is terrible...