So ppl have figured out a way
I just played a guy that was World Series and he clearly was not World Series as far as his gameplay. He was very bad. When I got up by 3 in the 8th the game got a little laggy and he kept pausing quickly. When he made the last out in the 8th he disconnected and it registered as a friendly quit. This is the second time I played this exact player and this happened.
I have an itching suspicion that this is his road to World Series.
The first time was about a month ago and I thought it was just a glitch but twice? Sorry I don’t believe in coincidences.
All you can do is report the player through official channels (not the forum) and hope that SDS wants to investigate.
I hope this person doesn’t get a copy of the new game.
similar thing happened to me last night as soon as game ended message appeared saying game didnt count because of friendly quit. my opponent also had a WS banner