What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?
At first I used to think it was crazy that people would spend hundreds if not thousands on one year of the game... but it all depends what you get out of it. If you play 1,000 hours a year of MLBTS and truly enjoy it, then spending $1,000 is actually cheap, safe entertainment. Few fun things in life cost $1 an hour.
And for some people, they can say “I earn X dollars per hour at my job, and grinding would take me 100 hours to get what I want... isn’t it just cheaper in a time/money perspective for me to buy stubs and skip the grind?” Which yeah, it very well might be.
As you said, life can be short and nobody is promised anything. Just do what brings you enjoyment while you’re here. I like the feeling of grinding out a reward, but everyone should find what works for them and not worry so much about what other people do or don’t do.
@asocial_grace said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
At first I used to think it was crazy that people would spend hundreds if not thousands on one year of the game... but it all depends what you get out of it. If you play 1,000 hours a year of MLBTS and truly enjoy it, then spending $1,000 is actually cheap, safe entertainment. Few fun things in life cost $1 an hour.
And for some people, they can say “I earn X dollars per hour at my job, and grinding would take me 100 hours to get what I want... isn’t it just cheaper in a time/money perspective for me to buy stubs and skip the grind?” Which yeah, it very well might be.
As you said, life can be short and nobody is promised anything. Just do what brings you enjoyment while you’re here. I like the feeling of grinding out a reward, but everyone should find what works for them and not worry so much about what other people do or don’t do.
My whole Stimulus for a card in a game?
I guess if you have the $, go for yours. -
ChuckCLCreplied to IrishJedi412 on Mar 18, 2021, 11:09 AM last edited by ChuckCLC_PSN Mar 18, 2021, 11:10 AM
@irishjedi412_xbl said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
So you guys don’t go on cruises to the Bahamas since you don’t get to bring the boat, islands or babes back with you?
Do they become worthless at the end of the game cycle? Yes....But speaking as someone who has lost a parent & a child I’ll just say this...Live every day as if it could be your last. Allow yourself to splurge on things that you enjoy & make you happy because you just never know what’s around the corner.
That would kind of make since if you couldnt get them any other way. But I never drop an extra penny on DD and usually have the whole collection done between 2 and 4 Months in. But if it makes someone that happy to have the collection done right away, then they can do what makes them happy. I personally would rather enjoy all the cards though and get them in waves as the season goes.
After I finish the LS Launch weekend, I'll come post the final cost.
I'm not a content creator. Could care less about them. I'm just a man that has the $ to afford this hobby.
A_PerfectGamereplied to ChuckCLC on Mar 18, 2021, 1:09 PM last edited by A_PerfectGame_PSN Mar 18, 2021, 1:11 PM
@chuckclc_psn said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
@irishjedi412_xbl said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
So you guys don’t go on cruises to the Bahamas since you don’t get to bring the boat, islands or babes back with you?
Do they become worthless at the end of the game cycle? Yes....But speaking as someone who has lost a parent & a child I’ll just say this...Live every day as if it could be your last. Allow yourself to splurge on things that you enjoy & make you happy because you just never know what’s around the corner.
That would kind of make since if you couldnt get them any other way. But I never drop an extra penny on DD and usually have the whole collection done between 2 and 4 Months in. But if it makes someone that happy to have the collection done right away, then they can do what makes them happy. I personally would rather enjoy all the cards though and get them in waves as the season goes.
I never do DD collections this quickly — not that I dont want to...now do you play the market etc? Or you just keep everything and lock in to your collection?
Im one of those I get mantle and I got mays for my end game.
@raesone_psn said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
Look man idc if it would be Bonds, Aaron and Clemente combined. There's no way I'm dropping those amounts of money on this franchise ever again. It's too easy to make stubs and the game hardly improves so much that it would be worth such a financial write off. Because that's what it is, next year your investment is worthless.
It was SO easy to make stubs last year. I literally didn't know what to do with them 3/4's of the way through the game cycle. Cant believe ppl blow their load for a card day 1. That's a scary level of impatience and takes the fun out of the game IMO.
I liked completing LS division by division so I could use some of the cards (Giambi and Alomar were good for me for a month or so).
Nobody, the fun for me is grinding my [censored] off to get the cards I want, once I get them, I usually don't use them all that much.
@nflman2033 said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
Nobody, the fun for me is grinding my [censored] off to get the cards I want, once I get them, I usually don't use them all that much.
I like grinding too. I usually never spend money just to buy the collections personally because the amount it costs is more then I’m willing to spend being that most of the Ls Diamonds are a lot of stubs at launch.
I DO however enjoy blasting packs and the thrill of the unknown. I pulled trout last two years day one so that was kind of cool.
Actually in 19 I pulled trout day 1 first pack. Crazy
TheHungryHolereplied to IrishJedi412 on Mar 18, 2021, 4:56 PM last edited by TheHungryHole_PSN Mar 18, 2021, 4:57 PM
@irishjedi412_xbl said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
I was always NMS until last year when they made Mantle the reward. As a Yankees fan I had to have him ASAP & didn’t want to wait until August to finally get him the NMS path so I dropped $1300 day one to get him. Mantle was that player for me...Who is it for you?
ps...If your answer is nobody then just don’t comment, This is just for a little fun discussion.
the idea of dropping 1K to an SDS made video game is a joke to me and many others im sure - they aren't remotely worth that based on each years iteration
a good use of your 1.3K instead of stubs is to buy an stand up arcade machine with mortal kombat, donkey kong, every old game under the sun - and get the 4 player arcade
@a_perfectgame said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
@nflman2033 said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
Nobody, the fun for me is grinding my [censored] off to get the cards I want, once I get them, I usually don't use them all that much.
I like grinding too. I usually never spend money just to buy the collections personally because the amount it costs is more then I’m willing to spend being that most of the Ls Diamonds are a lot of stubs at launch.
I DO however enjoy blasting packs and the thrill of the unknown. I pulled trout last two years day one so that was kind of cool.
Actually in 19 I pulled trout day 1 first pack. Crazy
I played so much 20, I actually got Trout at both high diamond XP rewards by July, benefits of working from home for a year. Playing enough will get you to the collection reward, just not right away.
I also pulled a Trout late in the year, first time ever, but I never buy packs.
This is why i love this game and studio!! Diversity in how you apprach, how you play, and how you earn it's freaking awesome how much SDS looks out for us! Yet it slips by so many who don't realize how much they go out of thier way for everyone!!
I won’t judge how another man spends his money. I put $400 in last year, $1000 over the last 4. Not anymore though, just out of principle. And I would try to convince you not to, for sure. Over $1000 for some virtual cards to compete a month or two earlier than the grinders, seems like extortion(obviously not a violent version).
I know money isn’t an object for some folks, but that is exactly what SDS is taking advantage of with a price tag like $1000. Sure it’s great entertainment but think of the majority of folks that maybe could only afford $200 a year, if they stretched it. They get a LS Mike Trout. That’s it. And probably not even day 1. For $200. Seems silly and unbalanced. Maybe I’m jaded too? Lol.
It will be Henry Aaron.
I'd pay $1500 for access to every card as it drops for use in DD. It would be an interesting price model for any sports game to entertain it's customers.
This game is entertainment. I treat it as such. It's not a job. It's an escape.
@a_perfectgame said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
I might throw some money in the game at launch to be honest even though it’s not necessary...just cus I can. But I’m talking like $200 not $1200
I'm throwing an additional $20 at it prob. Digital deluxe plus another $20, should pack 5 or 6 Trouts
I’d do it if I were the cover athlete... for narcissistic reasons.
Don’t think I’d contribute to any sales lol
@ikasnu_psn said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
@a_perfectgame said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
I might throw some money in the game at launch to be honest even though it’s not necessary...just cus I can. But I’m talking like $200 not $1200
I'm throwing an additional $20 at it prob. Digital deluxe plus another $20, should pack 5 or 6 Trouts
Lol dude I died. This was great humor right here
@hoboadam_psn said in What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?:
After I finish the LS Launch weekend, I'll come post the final cost.
I'm not a content creator. Could care less about them. I'm just a man that has the $ to afford this hobby.
I've always been curious what the cost was for first day collections.
I’ve been slowly adding money to my Xbox account I’m up to 550$ on Xbox just for this game