Obviously not this year
@yo_mr_white_699 said in Obviously not this year:
I play almost exclusively online other than Conquest. I can't stand moments (i wish they would get rid of them but I know they won't) and I am also not a huge fan of showdown.
I like your idea of being able to start at different points on the main map. That would allow some change up. I definitely do not want 6 inning games (even just for the strongholds). I do wish their were some options for changing up the stadium as opposed to just playing in the home team parks. I think they do a good job though with the different maps and hiding the packs and rewards in there. I think for people who don't play conquest because of the "grind" can at least admit the awards are usually pretty worthwhile.
The only thing that I have long wished for is that the stadiums were tied to the spots that they occupy and not the team that holds them. That way, by the time I beat conquest I will have played in all 30 MLB stadiums. Instead of playing in the Rogers Center 5 times, and Yankee stadium multiple times because one of those teams dominated the east coast.
@dolenz_psn said in Obviously not this year:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Obviously not this year:
Yeah i agree i was referring to 6 inning only @ strongholds.
Most people only play strongholds. As a big conquest person myself I am not sure that I would ever get through a full map at 6 innings per game. What I enjoy about conquest is the ability to sit down for an hour or hour and a half and knock out multiple games.
There are other ways that they could extend the offline gameplay by creating new modes. Maybe a shortened season mode or an offline version of events.
I very much like that they have multiple conquest maps with their own rewards. As far as the main conquest map I simply wish that they would refresh it as often as they refresh events or ranked seasons. Now, the incentives to invest the time simply to earn a pack bundle on your 2nd play through and beyond is simply not enticement enough. That is especially true if they switched to 6 inning games.
I get it! But at the same time what is benefit of the new stamina of pitcher's for folks that play vs CPU? Part of my reasoning behind the 6 inning strongholds suggestion, but i was also lumping that in with other suggestions in OP they kinda went hand in hand.
That was a new feature introduced in 20 but it seems to not react the same vs CPU as it does in MP. CPU had what seemed like unlimited stamina when it came to conquest. I hardly ever saw a pitcher get the hook unless i scored like 5 runs in an inning?
I would be cool with refreshment of map b/c i 100% agree with 2nd playthrough and beyond point.
I like the idea of a USA map refresh much like events or BR. With new rewards..I agree there needs to be more ways to incorporate your DD team into offline play and to have an incentive for something. Right now conquest and playing a specific team on all star for player programs isn’t enough...I hate showdown, just because of the sheer anger it can create, but I’d rather that than M2O for affinity l
@htonsecurity5x said in Obviously not this year:
I like the idea of a USA map refresh much like events or BR. With new rewards..I agree there needs to be more ways to incorporate your DD team into offline play and to have an incentive for something. Right now conquest and playing a specific team on all star for player programs isn’t enough...I hate showdown, just because of the sheer anger it can create, but I’d rather that than M2O for affinity l
I agree with everything except i prefer M2O over Showdown.