Gehrig mission
I am in the last leg of the journey to get Gehrig with Showdown. I’ve must have played almost 50 times with no luck. Any tips or tricks? Batting stance? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
When you get to the final showdown, sit on the fastball, as I found he throws it about 75%(3/4) times. Also be patient. He gets wild and I would suggest taking until a strike. Also there's a glitch to help you stay out of double plays. Hold R2 until the pitcher stops moving, take a 2 step lead, press L2(steal), and release R2. If you did it right they shouldn't pick off and you'll have a big head start. You'll need someone about 60 speed or better to do this. Always keep and eye on how good their jump is as you might need to take an emergency hack so they don't get thrown out. Good Luck!