You win SDS
Going to stop playing. Then makes another account.
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@NCStateHokie said in You win SDS:
@Scar_USMC77 said in You win SDS:
I have had alot of frustration about this game and have been vocal about it on Twitter and on the the forum occasionally. I was at one time right at championship series and now since i voiced my displeasure with aspects of this game, i can barely win a game. I continually have games versus silver or lower players who dont even hit .200 and way below. 500 and cant even get a pitch by them and they hit everything like they are world series players. I cant even catch up to a [censored] 95 mph fastball lately. I play well against prestige players with good records so it feels like they are boosting newbie sliders. Anyways SDS i was going to come on here and apologize for having a negative opinion of parts of this game so you would let me play like i normally do but instead ill just do the smart thing and just stop playing it or spending money on it. Been playing this game since the first mlb the show and this in my opinion is the worst version as far as gameplay goes ive ever played. Content has been great but you cant polish a [censored]. Also experimented and started a new account, and im a silver level player and have a worse team by far and am 40 and 4 and made CS. Thanks everyone for reading my rambling adult fit but with all the time and money over the years i find the way SDS treats loyal players ridiculous. Godbless everyone and Happy Thanksgiving even you SDS
The one thing I learned from this is that t u r d is filtered. Really?
[censored] isn't censored though. Ha ha!
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I said it last week in another thread. Record your gameplay with the share button, go back and replay it after the game, multiple times, in slow motion and see exactly what’s going down. Use all the analytical tools in the pause menu and verify that the feedback given matches the game as played out. You’ll either find that your input was at fault, or there’s some terrible stuff going on in the game unrelated to input. In the latter case, post the video here and we can all ask SDS what’s going on and if there’s any chance for improvement in the future. They’ll completely ignore you and not respond, but you have to hope there’s at least one person at the company who cares about these issues and might attempt to put them right if they’re splashed all over the forum.
My opinion of SDS is so low at the minute, when there were several topics of this nature on the front page of the forum recently, voicing displeasure at the state of the game, I half seriously wondered if they revived their old JITG account in order to make a bunch of nonsense topics to fill up the first couple of pages here. It’s called forum sliding, you basically bump old posts and create trash new ones to bury the sensitive information a few pages down, where hopefully nobody will find it and comment to keep it current. The fact that I’m willing to consider SDS would rather do these things than take responsibility for hanging pitches on good input and nonsensical home runs on terrible early swings and actually fix the [censored] game says a lot about the amount of faith I still retain in the company after this years offering.
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@Scar_USMC77 said in You win SDS:
I have had alot of frustration about this game and have been vocal about it on Twitter and on the the forum occasionally. I was at one time right at championship series and now since i voiced my displeasure with aspects of this game, i can barely win a game. I continually have games versus silver or lower players who dont even hit .200 and way below. 500 and cant even get a pitch by them and they hit everything like they are world series players. I cant even catch up to a [censored] 95 mph fastball lately. I play well against prestige players with good records so it feels like they are boosting newbie sliders. Anyways SDS i was going to come on here and apologize for having a negative opinion of parts of this game so you would let me play like i normally do but instead ill just do the smart thing and just stop playing it or spending money on it. Been playing this game since the first mlb the show and this in my opinion is the worst version as far as gameplay goes ive ever played. Content has been great but you cant polish a [censored]. Also experimented and started a new account, and im a silver level player and have a worse team by far and am 40 and 4 and made CS. Thanks everyone for reading my rambling adult fit but with all the time and money over the years i find the way SDS treats loyal players ridiculous. Godbless everyone and Happy Thanksgiving even you SDS
The clock is ticking...they know...they have been following fifa and madden...I mean just look at the pack system glowing the grade....reaching and getting partners...its the same script