Dads playing The Show
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
That I know of, there are quite a few.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
Not a Dad but I can imagine myself still plugging along playing the Show when that time comes.
@mrcityofwin said in Dads playing The Show:
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
Not a Dad but I can imagine myself still plugging along playing the Show when that time comes.
Same. LOL
My uncle, who just became a dad, said this: The first thing I want to teach my son is how to turn on the PS4, then how to play. -
I bought my own PS4 exclusively for the The Show. My kids were hogging it too much!
I bought my own PS4 exclusively for the The Show. My kids were hogging it too much!
I’m a dad of two who played Bases Loaded 3 too much as a kid. Still play The Show. My oldest has no interest in sports games, only FPS games
I usually play after the baby goes to sleep. I play mostly offline since it allows me to pause it and go take care of the baby or chill with the wife. Online I just usually play until I reach PR, so that I grab the diamond.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
Man yeah I remember the first generic baseball game that came out on Nintendo...before RBI came out....not even sure if the players had names...I know the teams were generic...RBI was the [censored] when it came out-I was the top dog in my group of friends...used the Cardinals and would just run people off the field....back in the days when buddies actually were playing against one another on the same TV and console....unheard of today lol....yeah I’ve had every baseball game since...Baseball Stars was first one to keep wife gives me all kinds of hell for playing...have two ps4 at my house too...hell fighting over game time with my 10 and 13 year olds
.....other than coaching my sons different sports playing the show about the only way I have left to compete at getting worse having to sneak around playing video games
@Hbomb_HOF all these responses are great but yours takes the cake. I completely forgot about baseball stars. I absolutely loved that game. When I was a kid I would play bases loaded, and grab a notebook. I would do a complete box Score and then keep my stats tracked throughout the season. If I remember right If I remember right that was the first game you could pitch from the pitchers perspective. I remember thinking to myself “boy they will never be able to make a baseball game better than this” hahaha.
Man, I remember running a pen and paper league with a few friends where we would play each other in RBI, Baseball Stars, or Baseball Simulator 1.000. (And Bases Loaded but much less)
Keeping track of everyone's individual player stats, etc in a binder, having playoffs, etc. So much fun, good memories.
Now I play this game with my kids, but I still go back to those old games (on an original NES) sometimes just for the nostalgia factor.
I am a 53 year old father of three and setup a monitor next to my 14 year old son. He plays his games on the computer and I play the show on the Ps4 . This the first time I have played diamond dynasty always just did seasons and off line. I go back to when 989 sports did the game. Right now I am 194-172 grinded my way to 100 Prestige, got Ruth and completed the extreme program. Would love to do an over 40, 50 custom league. So I would say come out of hiding and have fun. This has helped me get through this tough time by taking my mind off covid and other [censored].
@Rustymgc19 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am a 53 year old father of three and setup a monitor next to my 14 year old son. He plays his games on the computer and I play the show on the Ps4 . This the first time I have played diamond dynasty always just did seasons and off line. I go back to when 989 sports did the game. Right now I am 194-172 grinded my way to 100 Prestige, got Ruth and completed the extreme program. Would love to do an over 40, 50 custom league. So I would say come out of hiding and have fun. This has helped me get through this tough time by taking my mind off covid and other [censored].
I'm out LOL I'm a father and I'm 65. I have been playing the show since it was 989 Sports. I think it was just called MLB at the time. Had every issue since it was The Show in 06. The video game just keeps me in the sport I have loved my whole life.
@bostondirtdog21 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am an older dad who loves playing the show. I’ve been playing literally forever and I started back when RBI baseball and bases loaded we’re groundbreaking games On my Nintendo.
Are used to buy every single baseball game that came out every year and we compare them all and pick my favorite one. Do you think we have glitches now? Imagine having baseball players come up left-handed but have them be in the right handed box facing the wrong way. Then when you tried to take it back to the store they would not give you your money back!
Anyway, I am a closet player. I’m actually embarrassed to tell people I play so I never have anyone to share accomplishes with.
So all that said, are there any dads like me out there?
13 year old here but I tihkn everyone on reddit the show is a gamer dad.
@Rustymgc19 said in Dads playing The Show:
I am a 53 year old father of three and setup a monitor next to my 14 year old son. He plays his games on the computer and I play the show on the Ps4 . This the first time I have played diamond dynasty always just did seasons and off line. I go back to when 989 sports did the game. Right now I am 194-172 grinded my way to 100 Prestige, got Ruth and completed the extreme program. Would love to do an over 40, 50 custom league. So I would say come out of hiding and have fun. This has helped me get through this tough time by taking my mind off covid and other [censored].
I would be down for on old man’s custom league....we should do one!! -
49 year old father of four. I have my own ps4 and my wife bought me a top gaming monitor to play on.
You're not the outlier, I'd say you are closer to the norm with the age demographic of baseball's fan base.
An old timers league?
bostondirtdog21wrote on Nov 4, 2020, 11:40 PM last edited by bostondirtdog21_PSN Nov 4, 2020, 11:40 PM
I would definitely be in on an over 40 league. I would probably still suck but at least it would be fun as hell knowing that when someone pauses the game, they’re not being jerks, they’re just yelling at their kids hahaha
This post is deleted!
I'm a father of two great boys who LOVE everything baseball. We all play the show together, (on our own accounts.). It's a great game with a great community of players! I also remember the old school baseball games. I remember being blown away hearing the umpire call balls and strikes on Intellivision, which was between Nintendo and Atari. Gen-X gamers are OGs of the gaming world, LOL.