Knuckleball Pitcher is a blast
I was curious if anyone has gone a career with a true knuckleballer? I'm in my 2nd year and I'm having a blast. The play by play announcers are fantastic and a lot of fun. They make fun of the batters whiffing and have fun describing the pitch. They call it a ping pong
It's especially fun watching the catcher try to deal with this. I've never heard these comments playing this game for years. So I was curious if anyone else had tried this and went a whole career. My pitches - Knuckleball - Knuckle Curve - Forkball. Arch - Nasty. Oh ya, get this, I was drafted by Boston! Timothy Wakefield was an idol of mine.
I've got a knuckleballer(Richard Head) I starter in 14(actually 12) but I didn't buy 13.He'a 99 ovr god including batting thanks to all the free stubs they threw at us in I think 17.His second pitch is a triple digit fastball.Also VCH,splitter,slider.
He's 34 and somewhere in the middle of a long term contract with the Angles.I think it's over 30 million a year.The good part is the Angels win the division by double digits every year.The bad is he hardly ever gets to bat.
[censored] was actually on some bad Philly and Cubs teams early on but finally landed with the Padres who had some talent.I believe he won a WS with them.
Anyways you never know.I have A CP who the Phillies brought up .They proceeded to win the WS his rookie year and then repeated the next year!And the Phillies traded away Aaron Nola! -
Yeah I actually started one, and its really fun.
He's in triple A right now.
I'm using him for the Trophy from 19 to make a player born at sea.
I even gave him a cool story about being half Japanese Half American. -
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Just found out this 2 way in RTTS is indeed a thing.I really had not heard about until today