Serious question
Ok real talk, my guys. Does anybody here refer to dropping a deuce as “taking a dunk?” In all my years I’d never heard that phrase until last week. I overheard this dudebro at work tell this girl that he really needed to “take a dunk.” She acted grossed out, which I thought was weird because I assumed he was saying he wanted to take a dip in the pool or something ( I know it’s nearly October, but I live in Texas and it’s still hot). Anyway, he mentioned it again a few minutes later but I was able to pick up on context clues that told me this gentleman was trying to say he needed to put two in the bowl. At first, I was like “taking a dunk? That’s stupid.” But every time I’ve pinched a loaf of marbled rye since then, I’ve sat there thinking about “taking a dunk.” Now I think it’s brilliant. And I just need to know if this is a common phrase or some sort of genius regionalism that I’ve just never heard, or if this particular lad might have stumbled on something both wholly original and achingly pure.
I know this is semi-off topic, but I think it’s on topic enough to justify keeping it in DD discussion.
Let me know what you think. Taking a dunk. Nice. Nice.
I’ve used Taking a Dump, but not dunk.
I think at the moment you really wanted to advise of your extreme admiration of your feces. Yes some times a poo can bring on luck. But at the end of the day, it's just waste that needs to be flushed. Including said matches in DD! Some time you gots to flush the dump.
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious question:
Ok real talk, my guys. Does anybody here refer to dropping a deuce as “taking a dunk?” In all my years I’d never heard that phrase until last week. I overheard this dudebro at work tell this girl that he really needed to “take a dunk.” She acted grossed out, which I thought was weird because I assumed he was saying he wanted to take a dip in the pool or something ( I know it’s nearly October, but I live in Texas and it’s still hot). Anyway, he mentioned it again a few minutes later but I was able to pick up on context clues that told me this gentleman was trying to say he needed to put two in the bowl. At first, I was like “taking a dunk? That’s stupid.” But every time I’ve pinched a loaf of marbled rye since then, I’ve sat there thinking about “taking a dunk.” Now I think it’s brilliant. And I just need to know if this is a common phrase or some sort of genius regionalism that I’ve just never heard, or if this particular lad might have stumbled on something both wholly original and achingly pure.
I know this is semi-off topic, but I think it’s on topic enough to justify keeping it in DD discussion.
Let me know what you think. Taking a dunk. Nice. Nice.
Never heard of it, but if you have an HR at your place of business you might want to CYA. What dude talks about taking a dunk in front of a female coworker? What has happened to the gentleman? Did he disappear with the introduction of social media?
@MathMan5072 said in Serious question:
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious question:
Ok real talk, my guys. Does anybody here refer to dropping a deuce as “taking a dunk?” In all my years I’d never heard that phrase until last week. I overheard this dudebro at work tell this girl that he really needed to “take a dunk.” She acted grossed out, which I thought was weird because I assumed he was saying he wanted to take a dip in the pool or something ( I know it’s nearly October, but I live in Texas and it’s still hot). Anyway, he mentioned it again a few minutes later but I was able to pick up on context clues that told me this gentleman was trying to say he needed to put two in the bowl. At first, I was like “taking a dunk? That’s stupid.” But every time I’ve pinched a loaf of marbled rye since then, I’ve sat there thinking about “taking a dunk.” Now I think it’s brilliant. And I just need to know if this is a common phrase or some sort of genius regionalism that I’ve just never heard, or if this particular lad might have stumbled on something both wholly original and achingly pure.
I know this is semi-off topic, but I think it’s on topic enough to justify keeping it in DD discussion.
Let me know what you think. Taking a dunk. Nice. Nice.
Never heard of it, but if you have an HR at your place of business you might want to CYA. What dude talks about taking a dunk in front of a female coworker? What has happened to the gentleman? Did he disappear with the introduction of social media?
Are you suggesting women can’t take dunks? That’s sexist. Their dunks are just like everyone else’s except their dunks are weaker and more emotional and should never have been allowed to vote.
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious question:
@MathMan5072 said in Serious question:
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious question:
Ok real talk, my guys. Does anybody here refer to dropping a deuce as “taking a dunk?” In all my years I’d never heard that phrase until last week. I overheard this dudebro at work tell this girl that he really needed to “take a dunk.” She acted grossed out, which I thought was weird because I assumed he was saying he wanted to take a dip in the pool or something ( I know it’s nearly October, but I live in Texas and it’s still hot). Anyway, he mentioned it again a few minutes later but I was able to pick up on context clues that told me this gentleman was trying to say he needed to put two in the bowl. At first, I was like “taking a dunk? That’s stupid.” But every time I’ve pinched a loaf of marbled rye since then, I’ve sat there thinking about “taking a dunk.” Now I think it’s brilliant. And I just need to know if this is a common phrase or some sort of genius regionalism that I’ve just never heard, or if this particular lad might have stumbled on something both wholly original and achingly pure.
I know this is semi-off topic, but I think it’s on topic enough to justify keeping it in DD discussion.
Let me know what you think. Taking a dunk. Nice. Nice.
Never heard of it, but if you have an HR at your place of business you might want to CYA. What dude talks about taking a dunk in front of a female coworker? What has happened to the gentleman? Did he disappear with the introduction of social media?
Are you suggesting women can’t take dunks? That’s sexist. Their dunks are just like everyone else’s except their dunks are weaker and more emotional and should never have been allowed to vote.
Very entertaining thread, I rate it a solid 9/10
Dropping kids off at the pool...
Pinching a loaf...
Going number 2...
Heading to the library...Taking a dunk makes no sense. That implies that it comes back out after.
Never heard it before. Sounds pretty dumb to me and I’m usually pretty easily entertained with toilet humor.
Kids at the pool remains my all time favorite.
Never heard of it, which means it was made up by a millenial...
Maybe the person said “taking a dump” but had a wicked lisp and you misunderstood? Or was a 3 year old child who couldn’t pronounce words correctly?
Must be an accent you picked up when they said “dump.”
@SchnauzerFace said in Serious question:
Ok real talk, my guys. Does anybody here refer to dropping a deuce as “taking a dunk?” In all my years I’d never heard that phrase until last week. I overheard this dudebro at work tell this girl that he really needed to “take a dunk.” She acted grossed out, which I thought was weird because I assumed he was saying he wanted to take a dip in the pool or something ( I know it’s nearly October, but I live in Texas and it’s still hot). Anyway, he mentioned it again a few minutes later but I was able to pick up on context clues that told me this gentleman was trying to say he needed to put two in the bowl. At first, I was like “taking a dunk? That’s stupid.” But every time I’ve pinched a loaf of marbled rye since then, I’ve sat there thinking about “taking a dunk.” Now I think it’s brilliant. And I just need to know if this is a common phrase or some sort of genius regionalism that I’ve just never heard, or if this particular lad might have stumbled on something both wholly original and achingly pure.
I know this is semi-off topic, but I think it’s on topic enough to justify keeping it in DD discussion.
Let me know what you think. Taking a dunk. Nice. Nice.
I’ve never heard that, ever. But I could definitely start using “Making a dunk” for the onomatopoeic effect
@hoboadam said in Serious question:
Dropping kids off at the pool...
Pinching a loaf...
Going number 2...
Heading to the library...Taking a dunk makes no sense. That implies that it comes back out after.
Taking the Browns to the super bowl, don’t forget.
Painting porcelain is my go to phrase.
Yeah that’s been around forever. Lol just shows how different things are from here and there. “Gonna go slay a mud dragon” is one that I haven’t seen mentioned yet also lol
I worked with a gentleman named Bill who used, “gotta see a man about a horse”. I never understood until walking into the bathroom one day and noticing Bill waging war with our plumbing. I was not the only one who heard him profess his passion of horses. When Bill retired, our secretary wrote on his good bye card, “enjoy your time with the horses you were so fond of”.
Lmao this is awesome I have no other comment
I think we’ve all learned a lot here today.
@Ikasnu said in Serious question:
Painting porcelain is my go to phrase.
I love this but it really gives the impression that you should rethink your diet.