Custom League Thoughts
For me I see this as an awesome thing to do after all the major content and grinding stuff has dropped. Maybe putting together a league with players from the forum or something who are still around in December and January and February.
This will definitely give some life to the game for the off-season before 2021.
Yup, we've already discussed this but @thinkbluedgr gave me an idea. We can still do 10 rounds of fantasy draft... It would be a headache, but combining trades and getting players to better balance teams, could work in a small league.
Did they say anything about CPU teams at all or is it all just human controlled? I'm still at work and wont see the stream replay for a bit yet
@Rabid55Wolverine said in Custom League Thoughts:
Did they say anything about CPU teams at all or is it all just human controlled? I'm still at work and wont see the stream replay for a bit yet
They said a little but not enough. CPU-controlled teams are possible, but all they said was that if a player is kicked from a league, the CPU replaces that player.
What wasn't answered:
- Whether or not we can start a league with just 1 human player and a bunch of CPU players
- What roster the CPU uses when taking over a team when the league uses DD cards - Is it the set of cards that the player was using or does it revert to the live roster of the team the player was controlling?
@MathMan5072 said in Custom League Thoughts:
For me I see this as an awesome thing to do after all the major content and grinding stuff has dropped. Maybe putting together a league with players from the forum or something who are still around in December and January and February.
I agree 100% once the majority of DDcards have dropped I can see a lot of us in lgs featuring all time builds which will be so much fun tbh can’t wait.
@thinkbluedgr said in Custom League Thoughts:
Maybe the commish can organize some automatic trades to balance the teams so each team has an equal number of diamonds golds and silver players.
Other than no draft it looks great.
Imo it would just be easier to do a DD lg with an overall restriction and have set rules on how many diamonds, golds, etc each team can have. LS cards shouldn’t be expensive within a month with all the legends they have to drop this year.
@STI1489 said in Custom League Thoughts:
@MathMan5072 said in Custom League Thoughts:
For me I see this as an awesome thing to do after all the major content and grinding stuff has dropped. Maybe putting together a league with players from the forum or something who are still around in December and January and February.
I agree 100% once the majority of DDcards have dropped I can see a lot of us in lgs featuring all time builds which will be so much fun tbh can’t wait.
That’s a cool idea. All time dodger vs all time giants.
I feel like if someone really took the time to put it all together, a Fantasy Draft can be done in a MLB League. It can be done all offline on a google doc or something and then do a whole bunch of trades until all the rosters are set up according to the draft.
@Lyman2616 said in Custom League Thoughts:
I feel like if someone really took the time to put it all together, a Fantasy Draft can be done in a MLB League. It can be done all offline on a google doc or something and then do a whole bunch of trades until all the rosters are set up according to the draft.
This will happen a lot more than we anticipate. It will eventually happen in-game (21 or 22) but for now there will be a lot of leagues doing just what you’ve described. It will probably be the most requested feature in the mode come next year.
The Leagues platform is a game-changer for The Show. Yes OFM was in the game already and had more features but that was a niche mode that had its own non-transferable platform.
@omegaminus_sk said in Custom League Thoughts:
@Rabid55Wolverine said in Custom League Thoughts:
Did they say anything about CPU teams at all or is it all just human controlled? I'm still at work and wont see the stream replay for a bit yet
They said a little but not enough. CPU-controlled teams are possible, but all they said was that if a player is kicked from a league, the CPU replaces that player.
What wasn't answered:
- Whether or not we can start a league with just 1 human player and a bunch of CPU players
- What roster the CPU uses when taking over a team when the league uses DD cards - Is it the set of cards that the player was using or does it revert to the live roster of the team the player was controlling?
Quoted, because this inquiring mind wants to know the answer to these 2 questions.
My gut says no for question 1, but I hope I am wrong.
For 2 my guess is that it is a team of LS cards. If you saw in the stream he started a DD League, but it still asked him what team he wanted to be so if I joined your league as the Reds, I play with my DD team, you kick me out and when you are slated to play me, you will play the LS Reds. That is entirely my guess. -
I think they missed a big time opportunity by not have a fantasy draft option in the MLB team leagues. By not having that, I don't see the MLB league getting nearly as much play as the DD leagues. As far as the DD leagues, there are endless possibilities with the customization and I'm very excited to join a few. The content creators have to be loving the league options. Overall, I think this is a great first step though. Smart idea to give this a go before the new systems.
@Lyman2616 said in Custom League Thoughts:
I feel like if someone really took the time to put it all together, a Fantasy Draft can be done in a MLB League. It can be done all offline on a google doc or something and then do a whole bunch of trades until all the rosters are set up according to the draft.
Not really. You can only trade amongst teams in the league so in order to pull this off, you would need 30 individual users. Good luck with that.
Whether or not we can start a league with just 1 human player and a bunch of CPU players
If you can't create a league with 1 player and the rest CPU teams, a workaround could be create a couple of alternate accounts on your PS4 (can't recall the minimum number of players to create a league). Invite them to your league, set up the schedule, then boot them from your league, letting the CPU take over their teams. I guess if you create DD teams in these alternate accounts then this might work for a DD league - the CPU plays their DD teams? You could even build them up a little bit so they're not completely awful.
@bimblekay said in Custom League Thoughts:
Whether or not we can start a league with just 1 human player and a bunch of CPU players
If you can't create a league with 1 player and the rest CPU teams, a workaround could be create a couple of alternate accounts on your PS4 (can't recall the minimum number of players to create a league). Invite them to your league, set up the schedule, then boot them from your league, letting the CPU take over their teams. I guess if you create DD teams in these alternate accounts then this might work for a DD league - the CPU plays their DD teams? You could even build them up a little bit so they're not completely awful.
This is a great way to experiment with the commissioner settings before going live with real people.
I think the minimum teams in the league is four.
Curious as to what happens with a DD team when it turns CPU - I assume the players change to the live series players? That way when that team is reassigned to another human, the new player doesn’t get the original DD players.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Custom League Thoughts:
@bimblekay said in Custom League Thoughts:
Whether or not we can start a league with just 1 human player and a bunch of CPU players
If you can't create a league with 1 player and the rest CPU teams, a workaround could be create a couple of alternate accounts on your PS4 (can't recall the minimum number of players to create a league). Invite them to your league, set up the schedule, then boot them from your league, letting the CPU take over their teams. I guess if you create DD teams in these alternate accounts then this might work for a DD league - the CPU plays their DD teams? You could even build them up a little bit so they're not completely awful.
This is a great way to experiment with the commissioner settings before going live with real people.
I think the minimum teams in the league is four.
Curious as to what happens with a DD team when it turns CPU - I assume the players change to the live series players? That way when that team is reassigned to another human, the new player doesn’t get the original DD players.
What I think too. Even after the stream, so many questions.
True, but that's ok though we have lots of info to get us interested; needs to be some surprises. Now we wait until release to have them answered. The early adopters will be able to do the legwork to answer them.
Some of the questions that came to mind for me:
1. League stats:
I didn't see a league stats (eg leaders) option which is a bit weird. I'm guessing because of two complications:
a) the reverting to CPU when a player leaves (although CPU player stats can be left out just like simmed stats can be left out as stated in the stream)
b) DD leagues having a high turnover of players (as in cards not users). Still, the standard rules of leaderboard could apply (min 3.1 ABs per team game for batting averages, min 1.0 IP per team game for pitching averages).2. Fatigue:
a) Is fatigue starting pitcher only or does it apply to bullpen and position players? It seemed to be SP only however from a future-proofing coding standpoint it would be a poor implementation of the feature if it wasn't all players (because it will end up being included anyway).
b) Is fatigue series-based or is it based on the sequence of games you play? For example, if I pitch deGrom vs Braves, and then the next game I play is vs Nats (because that user is online), is deGrom fatigued? Or is he ok for any other series but fatigued for my next game vs Braves? There are potential pros and cons for each, feel free to weigh in either way - it would be an interesting discussion.
c) Does fatigue persist after a trade?3. Postseason eligibility:
a) A minimum of four teams - why not three? a tri-series would be awesome, with the two highest to play the World Series.
b) What is the logic if two teams finish tied for the last postseason place (or any place for that matter)? Will there be a tiebreaker game or will it go head to head, runs for/against etc? Likewise, how will the postseason bracket work? Is it 1st vs last, 2nd vs second last etc?4. XP and rewards for time played:
a) Are Team Affinity points awarded for the team you're playing as with each game played?
b) Is XP awarded for time played? Or is custom leagues separate to everything else?
Time played in any mode - DD modes, custom leagues, RTTS, Franchise, any mode should contribute to the relevant awards.5. League news updates:
Great feature. Do they appear outside of the custom league's news list such as in the touchpad's quick menu or as notifications? This is where an app will come in handy and with multiple platforms next year, I believe an app won't be far away.6. Trades and player cards:
Trades are the biggest risk in terms of league integrity in leagues with random users and a feature that will require good, honest commissioners to keep an eye on in their league.
a) Will trades with CPU teams be possible? I suspect not because of the logic involved (Too many variables; Franchise trade logic still needs work; fix this and then possibly port it).
b) There does not appear to be anything stopping a user joining with multiple different teams and then trading their best players on their dummy teams to their main team so they can stack one team. A commissioner approving trades would be a solution to this, unless of course the commissioner is the problem.
c) Can a commissioner boot a player who appears to be exploiting trades?
d) Trades carry over into the next season. If a player wins the WS because of their traded squad in one season, they will have the same squad next season. There's no reason to trade away any of the high-end players. What's stopping them from dominating each subsequent season? It is unlikely their players will regress to the point that they not be valuable. That's a good reason low-end teams should NOT trade away their best players. A draft would solve this problem and I suspect that a draft is already being planned for The Show 21, using the Battle Royale draft logic. Especially when you consider that player stats don't carry over between seasons.These are just a few questions that came to mind while watching the stream yesterday. Not expecting definitive answers, but I welcome a discussion.
Update: Victor from SDS has confirmed on Twitter that "a CPU will only take over a team when a user quits the league".
So to get a single-player custom league you'd need to populate the league with sacrificial accounts and then kick them.
@omegaminus_sk said in Custom League Thoughts:
Update: Victor from SDS has confirmed on Twitter that "a CPU will only take over a team when a user quits the league".
So to get a single-player custom league you'd need to populate the league with sacrificial accounts and then kick them.
Unless there is a forced minimum number of humans, ie the league implodes when there’s only one player left or something.
Hopefully that wont happen.