Dashboarding - viable solution?
@WarriorsAreCool7 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Horrible idea if you are such a crybaby over 1 little stat you need to grow up and act your age and yes prestidges should be offline to coupe with you guys who think that dashboarding is worse than murder.
Agree. Everything should have the option of completing on or offline. If someone never plays online who cares if they get the card or not. It’s not going to affect the diicck-slinging, daily posting online players who are “better” than everyone else because they play online.
i never understood why buttsacs do this. Like im not turning my PS4 off and on because I lost.
@nflman2033 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Why do people care so much about this? Yea you lose a few stats. You get the win which is hopefully why you are playing in the first place. It takes a bit longer to hit prestige but this is certainly not something sds should be putting time or resources into.
Nope, not playing for the win, dont care at all about my record, i will never make it to WS, i get lucky to make WC.
If you are not playing to win the game what are you playing for?
If someone dashboards, they should be credited with a loss and their opponent should be credited with a win. That seems like a fair solution.
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Why do people care so much about this? Yea you lose a few stats. You get the win which is hopefully why you are playing in the first place. It takes a bit longer to hit prestige but this is certainly not something sds should be putting time or resources into.
Many people today want things they do not earn. These folks however, they just want credit for what they did earn.
Why is it so hard to just let the play finish then quit? -
What you propose is impossible to implement because when a person “dashboards” the connection no longer exists because the matchmaking system is a P2P system. For that to actually work SDS would have to use dedicated servers which will never happen in a sports video game due to the overwhelming cost vs benefit factor. They simply aren’t going to sink millions upon millions into dedicated servers to support 2 players. Nice try honestly just not realistic.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
They just need to make prestiging offline
This is the ONLY solution to combat dashboarding.
Dashbording wasn't a thing before 2020? Uh ... hate to tell you...
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@nflman2033 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Why do people care so much about this? Yea you lose a few stats. You get the win which is hopefully why you are playing in the first place. It takes a bit longer to hit prestige but this is certainly not something sds should be putting time or resources into.
Nope, not playing for the win, dont care at all about my record, i will never make it to WS, i get lucky to make WC.
If you are not playing to win the game what are you playing for?
For fun the way the game should be played
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@nflman2033 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Why do people care so much about this? Yea you lose a few stats. You get the win which is hopefully why you are playing in the first place. It takes a bit longer to hit prestige but this is certainly not something sds should be putting time or resources into.
Nope, not playing for the win, dont care at all about my record, i will never make it to WS, i get lucky to make WC.
If you are not playing to win the game what are you playing for?
Maybe he just enjoys the game of baseball and wants to play a live opponent?
Simple solution. Game doesn’t disconnect until play is dead. That way stats count and as far as I’m concerned, they can dashboard on me all day. If they fix it like this, I get the W and the stat.
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@olivegarden2 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
They just need to make prestiging offline
This is the ONLY solution to combat dashboarding.
Sore losers will still dashboard. Once a dashboarder always a dashboarder
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@nflman2033 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
@pfcorporate said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Why do people care so much about this? Yea you lose a few stats. You get the win which is hopefully why you are playing in the first place. It takes a bit longer to hit prestige but this is certainly not something sds should be putting time or resources into.
Nope, not playing for the win, dont care at all about my record, i will never make it to WS, i get lucky to make WC.
If you are not playing to win the game what are you playing for?
I only play online for online stat requirements. Take online stat requirements out of the game, and i wont play online.
I suggested before just give the disconnector a 15min timeout. If they legit had a disconnection issue then most of that time will be used fixing the issue and reconnecting and it's not an issue. If its a sore sport trying to jump in another game, well, it'll be 15 minutes. you certainly won't make much progress if you have to take a 15min timeout every game you decide to cut out of. If you quit like a reasonable fellow, no timeout go jump in another game right away.
@olivegarden2 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
They just need to make prestiging offline
This is the main reason people are bitching about dashboarders.
I can tell you what would go FAR in stopping Dashboarding as you call it. The first step is to eliminate the causes of the rage that prompt opponents to think a couple thoughts when you hit that Big HR that sets up some big gain for you.
The first thought is likely, "Oh, Frack, here we go again...this HR hit off of a pitch that shoulda been unhittable...and I'm not sticking around to see the rest of the script play out". 2nd..."screw this guy, he didn't deserve that homerun anyway". This twisted piece of caca game that just randomly animates ridiculous plays is driving me to be unsportsmanlike.
Nothing personal..SDS needs to figure out how to make this game not play-out like some kumbaya, everyone deserves a trophy, shake-your-head from disbelief-or-laugh-hysterically, non-competitive, experience. I believe the version when that finally happens will go far in reducing the rage of being beat by software as opposed to your opponent.
Undoubtedly, the majority of people playing RS that do this actually don't mind being beaten by a better player. They just don't like the random/parity carp that is standard fare.
@cavalier_0013 said in Dashboarding - viable solution?:
Dashboarding - here we go again. Discussed ad nauseum, but hey, it's a slow Tuesday at work.
I was thinking about how to "prevent" dashboarding or reduce how many times it happens.
The solution is quite simple (for me anyways) but may be controversial to many others. I propose a 2 step solution that looks something like this.....
The person who dashboards cannot get back into playing an online game (be it event, BR or RS) until point 2 is completed, and that is
The team of the person who dashboarded becomes controlled by the CPU one difficulty lower than the game was being played....so HoF becomes All-Star, All-Star becomes veteran and continues until the end OR the player who is left accepts the "forfeit" in the QUIT menu.
This would really slow down the dashboarders for many reasons. First, they are locked out and if they do it in the 1st or 2nd inning and they play a guy who rakes, it could be a nice 30 - 45 minute timeout for them. Second, and the most important part, their goal of preventing you from getting your grinding stats for prestige (lets face it, dashboarding only affects your prestiging stats) not only is defeated, but you may end up giving your opponent WAY more stats than he would have gotten had you simply let that HR land and then quit the game.
Now, there is a bad side. The worst I can see if a legit lost of connexion issue. People who get a freak power issue that causes a flash and they lose connexion, someone who loses their internet connexion, they would be negatively affected. I don't know about everyone else, but all the times someone has dashboarded against me has been during a HR or a hit.
There are other negative sides to such a solution, and those involed one party cheating to force a disconnect. There are multiple methods which won't be mentionned here but most people know what they are.
I dunno, I feel like there should be a penalty to dashboarding other than taking a L and there should be compensation to the person who was dashboarded on, but I don't know if my solution idea would even be a good one.
If we're going to have SDS code a bunch of extra stuff into the game can they start with fixing baserunning first?
Am I the only nerd that noticed the spelling of Connection, then went on a long historical search for the origins of connexion?
In any event, that spelling hasn't been used widely in Britain since the 1950's, but is still an acceptable form of spelling due to the methodist churches use of the word in that state.
The more you know!
Just allow us to report these fools by sending a video capture. I am sick and tired of losing prestige stats because guys are sore losers and dashboard in the middle of a mutli RBI bomb from players I'm trying to prestige.
C'mon Man leave it alone!