Losing Connection to The Show Server
I have this problem as well. it's only with the show. my internet is still connected but i get an error "wifi network connection lost". please help.
SDS Needs to get their [censored] together, constant disconnects from the servers, pitches way out of the strike zone being called strikes and pitches in the strike zone being called balls, fix the [censored] game already@!
Same thing is happening to me, fix it. i keep losing connection from “the show online” even when im playing offline and it happens every 10 min
I’ve lost key moments in Showdown because of this. The fact that it costs stubs to play this mode makes it worse.
Keeps happening to me as well. A lot of players are suffering from this yet they have not put out a statement yet. Wth is going on SDS??
This happened to me during a final showdown last week. I was down 1 with 8 outs left. I was upset, to say the least. I could get reconnected right away, and my internet is really good, so was on the SDS side.
Same happening here, it’s every 30min
And it happens during showdown so I loose the mission
The worst part of this is how The Show stupidly gives losses to teams that were ahead. When a game freezes, the most fair outcome would probably be no wins or losses to anyone, but at the very least, the team that was actually winning should get the W. Instead, The Show chose the worst of the three options.
Has this been fixed yet? This has been happening for me for the past month and I can’t get an answer from SDS support.
Nope not fixed yet, I bought the Show yesterday. After playing for several hours this started happening. Lost wi fi connection. I've never had this issue before. Have had my ps4 for 6 years. It started happening playing other games as well so I uninstalled The Show reset my router and no issues since. I guess I'm done playing The Show 20 til theres a patch.
Ive had the same problem ever since getting a new router. I have followed what support has said and opened ports and manually put in dns and the secondary but still nada. Im getting frustrated because i got the game for diamond dynasty and now i can't play. Don't know if im going to get and promote the show 21 if this doesnt get patched or a solution becomes clear.
It’s crazy how unplayable it makes this game. I could not finish one ranked game today without losing connection. Only in this game.
Yeah I've lost at least 30 ranked games due to this its so frustrating.
How long did it take to find this 6 month old post?
Man I have lost so many games I was winning. I’m so disappointed of the show online mode. Can they fix this [censored]?
Ya it's been happening to me alot lately.. Tonight I had network errors in 2 ranked seasons games that were n extra innings was pretty unhappy lol
I know it's not the answer any of you want but I think if you get a Netgear Nighthawk router all of your problems will be solved. I bought a AC1750 at Walmart for 60-70 dollars and I no longer have issues. But... it isssss what it isss