Timing window
Unfortunately, online H2H RS gameplay is pretty pathetic.
It is amazes me how much better the gameplay in Events is, compared to RS H2H. It doesn't make sense....why is this?
Online RS H2H feels like you're playing underwater at times -- horrible latency, frames skipping during pitches, unbelievable input lag, etc. -
@formallyforearms said in Timing window:
Hook it up to a tube TV. No refresh rate. All the best players play on old Sony Trinitron TVs.
Have you ever tried it??
@lucas8181 said in Timing window:
@elway7751 said in Timing window:
Not sure if it's me or what, but just got no hit and never even came close to a hit. Last two games I couldn't barely put a ball in play. I know Im not a great hitter by any means but holy [censored] this is becoming madness.
My opponent managed a meager 3 hits and a run.
I've seen the posts about monitors.....blah,blah,blah. That's great, but I won't sit in a secluded room for 4 hours on a small [censored] TV just to be able to hit. Something is just wrong on any level that two people manage 3 hit and a run in a game.
I don't know, maybe Im wrong, love the game, but online is just a disaster.My monitor is in the same place I'd normally set up a TV, in the living room, it works fine. I suggest you at least consider it.
You struck out 19 times in your last game, 21 times the game you completed before that. That's a lot of K's.
I'd start taking pitches, and only swinging at good pitches to hit (easier said than done).
This coming from a guy that has played over 800 games In RS and averages 1.3 runs a game and has a record nearly 100 games below .500!!! Hey maybe you should get better at the game before offering criticism and hitting suggestions to anyone.
@elway7751 said in Timing window:
Not sure if it's me or what, but just got no hit and never even came close to a hit. Last two games I couldn't barely put a ball in play. I know Im not a great hitter by any means but holy [censored] this is becoming madness.
My opponent managed a meager 3 hits and a run.
I've seen the posts about monitors.....blah,blah,blah. That's great, but I won't sit in a secluded room for 4 hours on a small [censored] TV just to be able to hit. Something is just wrong on any level that two people manage 3 hit and a run in a game.
I don't know, maybe Im wrong, love the game, but online is just a disaster.Bro I only recently started playing DD but online play is a joke. I’m level 15 silver and went up against 2 diamonds and 2 bronzes last night. I couldn’t touch the ball in all four games. Swear my NAT was going right through the ball and always said early or late. I give up with online play
@slipkid69 said in Timing window:
@formallyforearms said in Timing window:
Hook it up to a tube TV. No refresh rate. All the best players play on old Sony Trinitron TVs.
Have you ever tried it??
No, it was a joke. It's true that CRT TVs dont have refresh rates, but I'm not sure how the scaling would work on a tube TV when 480p/1080p/4K wasnt even a thought yet.
@sandule said in Timing window:
This is something SDS need to address if possible!!! Most people don't buy a PS4 to hook up to a monitor. Having to buy a monitor just so you can play a game properly is ridiculous. Hopefully this is something the team can address next year.
I’m with you. I can understand if you’re talking about that too 5% type of player needing a monitor to compete on legendary or in the sponsored tournaments, but this year especially, it’s begun to feel for many like you need one just to compete in the bit above average range and to me that’s a design flaw.
“Crank up there pitch speed” really is about the laziest way to deal with hitting/difficulty. I’d much rather they do things like shrink the pci and actually reward contact within the pci to balance hitting and prioritize skill over just ramping up pitch speeds.
Well, I bought a monitor today,AND I still suck. Of course that is mostly due to my impatient approach at the plate. But I did notice that any good swing I did make contact versus many less swing and misses.
I'll have to get used to this. Going from a 65" TV, which is an awesome TV by the way, to a 27" monitor is going to take a minute. -
@rymflaherty said in Timing window:
@sandule said in Timing window:
This is something SDS need to address if possible!!! Most people don't buy a PS4 to hook up to a monitor. Having to buy a monitor just so you can play a game properly is ridiculous. Hopefully this is something the team can address next year.
I’m with you. I can understand if you’re talking about that too 5% type of player needing a monitor to compete on legendary or in the sponsored tournaments, but this year especially, it’s begun to feel for many like you need one just to compete in the bit above average range and to me that’s a design flaw.
“Crank up there pitch speed” really is about the laziest way to deal with hitting/difficulty. I’d much rather they do things like shrink the pci and actually reward contact within the pci to balance hitting and prioritize skill over just ramping up pitch speeds.
Wow, look someone with common sense! I agree with you 100% mate. Unfortunately, common sense is not too common anymore!
Its lag OP.
@elway7751 said in Timing window:
So any monitor suggestions?
ThanksDo you have a modern TV on game mode? If so that will help you a ton. No need to get a monitor to compete. but if you are using a TV model about 2015 or older you might be better off upgrading or getting a monitor. But if you dont like the idea of playing on a monitor, most modern day TV monitors on game mode will be just fine. I went from a Sony Bravia I got back in 2015, to a monitor for MLB TS 2017 and 2018, then got a new Samsung QLED TV and switched back to TV for last 2 years. It has been fine.
@lucas8181 said in Timing window:
@vagimon said in Timing window:
@lucas8181 said in Timing window:
@elway7751 said in Timing window:
Not sure if it's me or what, but just got no hit and never even came close to a hit. Last two games I couldn't barely put a ball in play. I know Im not a great hitter by any means but holy [censored] this is becoming madness.
My opponent managed a meager 3 hits and a run.
I've seen the posts about monitors.....blah,blah,blah. That's great, but I won't sit in a secluded room for 4 hours on a small [censored] TV just to be able to hit. Something is just wrong on any level that two people manage 3 hit and a run in a game.
I don't know, maybe Im wrong, love the game, but online is just a disaster.My monitor is in the same place I'd normally set up a TV, in the living room, it works fine. I suggest you at least consider it.
You struck out 19 times in your last game, 21 times the game you completed before that. That's a lot of K's.
I'd start taking pitches, and only swinging at good pitches to hit (easier said than done).
I can’t say for sure, but I think the OP is having to swing right as the ball is being released. There are times when pitch speeds are simply too fast to hit. And if he’s playing on a tv, that just further exacerbates the issue. He could take pitches, but in games like that, he can either swing immediately, and hope the ball is in the spot where his pci starts, or he’ll be too late to make any contact at all.
For sure, and I get that. If it's that situation, it's either a poor internet connection with the other user, or a TV/Monitor issue. It was that way for me to start the year, it's very frustrating.
This is the case with me a lot of the time I have a monitor but get lag spikes and a lot of jitter. It's fine if the opps not outside europe but that is not often. You can't even see the ball until it's by you and called and swinging right on release and guessing is the only way. I'm not talking 102mph + FB either 90s do it.
Switched my TV to game mode last night and there is a noticeable difference. You get extra split second to turn around on fastballs and to help determine if the ball will be out of the strike zone.
@elway7751 said in Timing window:
Well, I bought a monitor today,AND I still suck. Of course that is mostly due to my impatient approach at the plate. But I did notice that any good swing I did make contact versus many less swing and misses.
I'll have to get used to this. Going from a 65" TV, which is an awesome TV by the way, to a 27" monitor is going to take a minute.It’s certainly not a miracle cure and does take some time getting used to. But it does make catching up to fastballs easier and I also found it makes pitching easier too. Just give it a little time and try to be patient at the plate (easier said than done, it’s something I battle every game!)
Your connection with your opponents was probably just really sh1tty