Sheff or Biggio?
Who would you want if you could only get one? I'm thinking about going after one league not sure which yet.
Sheffield and it's not close. Cards play very different for everyone, but for me, Sheffield may be the best hitting card I've used this year. He smashes everything.
He's also never made an error for me at 3B and makes all routine plays -
It depends on how you do with each one's swing...I can hit with biggio but not with Sheffield and I love that card but struggle because of how he stands in batters box....I do better with biggio....if u got a cap that hits try each stance before you commit
I have 680k in stubs, and another 460k in stubs on investments I could sell. Already have Cole, and Verlander. Is the live series collection still worth it at this point?
Or should I just sell Cole, and Verlander?
I think Sheffield has one of if not the fastest bat in the game. I just need to place the PCI better to utilize his power. I still have a good average with him but I want to hit more bombs.
If I only got to pick one, I'd pick Sheffield.
@James97M said in Sheff or Biggio?:
Who would you want if you could only get one? I'm thinking about going after one league not sure which yet.
Sheffield is nasty but biggio is my end game catcher you can’t find a better catcher than him imo
I can’t hit with Sheff so I would choose Biggio, I’m hitting .189 with Sheffield but I’m .389 with biggio. Although Sheffield has won some games with me via the long ball so I don’t think I’d give him up willingly
@mrKoala123 said in Sheff or Biggio?:
@James97M said in Sheff or Biggio?:
Who would you want if you could only get one? I'm thinking about going after one league not sure which yet.
Sheffield is nasty but biggio is my end game catcher you can’t find a better catcher than him imo
I’m torn between putting Biggio at catcher since I got the 99 Jackie. But I got the 99 Posey as well. Posey seems to mash but is so slow. I dunno what to do lol
Posey has shocked me with how great he hits especially vs. righties. I’m 25,000 stubs away from completing the live series collection and I’m going to try out Biggio behind the dish, because I love 99 Jackie at 2nd base
Definitely Biggio
Biggio but more for the fact that i used trout for a long time as well as doolittle and wagner from collections. Ive used nothing from the NL other than shef.
Shef is the better hitter but biggio being able to play catcher with his speed and gold d is better across the board in my opinion.
Sheff >>> Biggio
Biggio is the best lead off hitter in the game! He also has a better swing. Just ask Mcgunski how good the third leg is
@Sayjinman said in Sheff or Biggio?:
@mrKoala123 said in Sheff or Biggio?:
@James97M said in Sheff or Biggio?:
Who would you want if you could only get one? I'm thinking about going after one league not sure which yet.
Sheffield is nasty but biggio is my end game catcher you can’t find a better catcher than him imo
I’m torn between putting Biggio at catcher since I got the 99 Jackie. But I got the 99 Posey as well. Posey seems to mash but is so slow. I dunno what to do lol
Put Posey at 1st, Biggio at catcher, and Jackie at 2nd. If you have Papi or Thome then but Jackie at 3rd if you don’t mind the arm...OR if you mind a 75 arm at 3rd but Biggio in left or center and keep Posey at catcher with Jackie at 2nd
@MLBTHEJOE said in Sheff or Biggio?:
I have 680k in stubs, and another 460k in stubs on investments I could sell. Already have Cole, and Verlander. Is the live series collection still worth it at this point?
Or should I just sell Cole, and Verlander?
Mantle may be the best player all year asides from Griffey so yes, I would do it
Just finished it. And it feels great. I’ve been burnt out on showdown even thought it’s such a great way to earn xp, packs, bundles, stubs... I haven’t played much ranked this year so I’m going to try that for a while, though I might regret that! Lol. Never made it to WS but I’ll give it a shot
@MLBTHEJOE said in Sheff or Biggio?:
Just finished it. And it feels great. I’ve been burnt out on showdown even thought it’s such a great way to earn xp, packs, bundles, stubs... I haven’t played much ranked this year so I’m going to try that for a while, though I might regret that! Lol. Never made it to WS but I’ll give it a shot
I’ve never tried to make it to WS. If I was an above average play I would try but I’m average. I’m 18-21 which may be even a little above average because I played a bunch of goons the first week of this game
Same I’ve never tried to make WS. Am just an average player as well. I only make it to a 600 maybe 700 rating anyways. Only played 14 games total in ranked. But we all know it’s about having fun! And the content released recently has been cool
@MLBTHEJOE said in Sheff or Biggio?:
Same I’ve never tried to make WS. Am just an average player as well. I only make it to a 600 maybe 700 rating anyways. Only played 14 games total in ranked. But we all know it’s about having fun! And the content released recently has been cool
Ranked isn’t as fun so I don’t play much either. I make pennant race each season to try out the cards or sell for decent stubs. I also do it so if I feel like making a push next season I’m at 400-450 at the start