Chemistries in Mlb
Hello everyone as mlb the show 19 is almost done I have started to play madden over the past 2 months and there are many things in that game which could be implemented into the show. The biggest thing is chemistries and power ups. These would boost fan favorite cards and Live series to being usable and giving people an incentive to make a theme team. I have taken a long time to make the following list up so please give it a chance before you bash me for liking madden
. The power ups could be called work in progress cards which could bring back the ticket counter, tickets are earned by playing, leveling up and missions. tickets could help you boost these cards to higher overalls and feeding the work in progress cards lower versions of the players cards, for example take babe Ruth: first is him bronze veteran then a gold all-star ten a 85 breakout then a 95 hardware and then a 99 signature to boost his endgame stats. These cards would be able to boost any theme team which they played on irl. An example where this could be effective in terms of this could be a Yankees theme team where the cards don’t all have to be Yankees to give each other boosts for example Rickey Henderson and Reggie Jackson could be on a Yankees them team. Ruth on a Red Sox team, Sheffield on the Dodgers, the list just keeps going and it would be so fun to build a theme team with an actual meaning and boosts.
Chemistries: Would increase attributes on all players equipped with it as you put the chemistry in more cards. There are 13 hitters on the team so there would be 5 tiers of this process, tier one needs 3 players, tier 2 needs 6 players, tier 3 needs 9 players, tier 4 needs 12 players, and max tier needs all 13 position players. Or you could split it up with two tiers of 2 different chemistries on your team. and the boosts would be bigger than madden because we have a 125 rating scale. The upgrades attributes would show a red flame and the normal ones would show the same yellow one as always. Since 8 of the 9 players on a baseball diamond are 2 way players unlike football I think there could be 2 slots for chemistries here such as: (there will be more to come but I didn’t have the time lmk what you guys think so far!)
Offensive Slot:- Swing for the fences:
Tier 1: + 1 power vs left, + 1 power vs right, + 1 disc.
Tier 2: + 1 power vs left, + 1 power vs right, + 1 disc, -1 vison, -1 contact vs left, -1 contact vs right
Tier 3: + 1 power vs left, +1 power vs right , + 1 disc,
Tier 4: + 1 power vs left, +1 power vs right , + 1 disc, -1 vision, -1 contact vs left, -1 contact vs right
Max Tier: + 5 power vs right, + 5 power vs left, -5 contact vs right, -5 contact vs left, -5 vision, + 5 disc - Small Ball:
Tier 1: +1 contact vs. right, + 1 contact vs left, + 1 vision, + 1 bunt, + 1 drag bunt
Tier 2: +1 contact vs. right, + 1 contact vs left, + 1 vision, + 1 bunt, + 1 drag bunt, - 1 power vs right, -1 power vs left, - 1 disc
Tier 3: +1 contact vs. right, + 1 contact vs left, + 1 vision, + 1 bunt, + 1 drag bunt
Tier 4: +1 contact vs. right, + 1 contact vs left, + 1 vision, + 1 bunt, + 1 drag bunt, -1 power vs left, -1 power vs right, -1 disc
Max Tier: + 5 contact vs right, + 5 contact vs left, + 5 vision, + 5 bunt, + 5 drag bunt, -5 power vs right, -5 power vs left, - 5 disc
- Swing for the fences:
Nah. Pitcher/catcher chemistry is all we need.
I wouldn't mind something that would encourage the use of theme teams, but adding too much to the stats would cause an imbalance.
Last year's version of Madden was a step in the right direction, but the stat boosts for putting together teams of players who passed through a single locker room upended the base stats of the cards. This year's abilities + power up cards ruined the game for me within the first month or two. I'm not going to purchase another EA Football game until this trend is either reversed or an NCAA Football game is released.
I thought it would be good for theme teams but the base chemistry part I can understand as being too much but you guys wouldn’t agree with a theme chemistry idea.
MLB tried Chemistry and power ups in the 90s and despite the initial popularity, things soured rather quickly.