Showdown Tips
I found going and doing Custom Practice for about 30-50 pitches on legend will make any boss look like slow motion at the beginning. I did that with Rivera and first 3 batters hit Homers.
@sbevans142 said in Showdown Tips:
Draft power and be patient at the plate. The CPU will groove pitches in the happy zone. It's not a contest to see what all you can make contact on, so don't be afraid to take pitches.
Not only taking pitches, but taking strikes. You don’t have to swing at every single strike. I look mid-high most of the time, unless it’s a low fastball in the middle of the zone.
Depends what your issues are, but when I first started showdowns, I'd go into custom practice on against the same pitcher I was going to face, at the same time of day, same stadium, same difficulty. Then I'd just sit there and let him throw some pitches. It got me used to the pitcher's delivery and the movement of the different pitches and the speed. I'd let him throw a pretty good # of pitches and then I'd spend a few at bats actually swinging.
Another tip and you can't base this off custom practice because showdown sliders seem way different, but I have found over and over again that each pitcher has patterns/tendencies, even as the CPU. When you're in the showdown, there are always certain pitches that will eventually be thrown in certain spots (approximately). I would figure those out, pick out the most hittable ones and wait for them.
Example: Miller/Ottavino throw a lot of sliders to oppo-handed batters that end up just outside of the middle of the plate and hang around belt high. That is all I wait for with them unless I have 2 strikes.
I can't remember who the AL Central first boss is, but look for a similar sort of pattern with their pitches and look for something to hit.
I also agree with what Josh said about avoiding double plays. If that is your biggest problem, don't be afraid to bunt batters over. Seems like a waste but 1 out and runner on second is a lot better than 2 outs and no one on if that's a common problem for you.
@wingo18 said in Showdown Tips:
@sbevans142 said in Showdown Tips:
Draft power and be patient at the plate. The CPU will groove pitches in the happy zone. It's not a contest to see what all you can make contact on, so don't be afraid to take pitches.
Not only taking pitches, but taking strikes. You don’t have to swing at every single strike. I look mid-high most of the time, unless it’s a low fastball in the middle of the zone.
This is kinda the key to hitting in general. Good players don’t swing at balls...great players don’t swing at bad strikes.
I’m not there, not by a long shot - but getting good at showdowns has helped my plate discipline in every mode.
my discipline is probably the #1 issue for sure. Playing baseball in high school and amateurs I always had a mindset that the pitcher was always going to try to give me the best pitch 1st, so I swung on the 1st pitch most often.
I also was getting that 1st pitch perk too which maybe made me a bit overzealous.
I do take pitches, but also swing at a lot of nonsense.
I have thought of the idea of practicing legend for 10 minutes before the boss battle. I think I may try that.
I think I have a high success rate in AS and Veteran largely due to pitching and defense. My team also out-matches the CPU a nice deal so I can get potential HRs from 1-9 (PH for pitcher). Here in showdown, especially the 1st boss, not a whole lot of firepower.
Sometimes when rookie/veteran moments/showdowns seems to be giving me fits I just move to only power swings (unless you have a guy it really doesn’t make sense for). Since pci’s are so big on veteran shrinking the zone actually can help me square the ball up better. It’s not always the case, but I think it does help stay out of double plays a bit too, especially if your really going after pitches up in the zone.
@Sc88terJ8nes said in Showdown Tips:
I feel like I am an ok player. Can beat cpu on veteran 98% of the time and all star like 90%. Certain moments like multiple multi xbh games on all star give me fits and I struggle a little at hitting.
I have been trying to do the al central stage 1 showdown. Usually hit 2 of the first moments on the showdown, but currently 0-4 on the first boss. It is a smorgasbord of double plays, hard hits right at fielder's, and double plays.
Does anyone have any advice on how to break through that part? I know it probably sounds extremely beginner/noob. I have watched YouTube videos, and they all just scoff at the early bosses, considering them cake walks
Start ur pci way up in the zone and only swing at high middle or center center pitches. Better to strike out looking then hit into a double play.
@Josh_KCK said in Showdown Tips:
Some of this is what works for me:
Avoiding Double Plays:
- Set the PCI at the bottom of the zone. Early in the count (with a runner on 1st), lay off sinkers, cutters, and anything coming in below your PCI.
- Ideally, look for a pitch thigh-high to belt-high and come up with your PCI to meet it.
- Unless you start jerking the PCI, over-correcting and therefore swinging above the ball, this should help you to avoid most non-fluky double plays.
- Overall, if it's really true that the only thing causing you to lose is double plays, then consider over-correcting by permanently starting the PCI low in the zone. Don't let yourself move the PCI down any farther (therefore forcing you to layoff everything you'd hit into the ground or worse).
General Tips
- Since you beat Veteran 98% of the time, the issue must be something you're doing just in Showdown.
- If I were losing a lot, I'd go to a take 2 strikes approach. The main reason for this is to get as many walks as possible. For most Showdown pitchers, getting their pitch count up is not really a winning strategy since their stamina is through the roof. But drawing walks (and staying out of double plays) equals free runs.
- If you know you're just not hitting good in a given session, then just bail on Showdown until you're back in a groove.
- How do you feel about your general fundamentals like plate discipline (swinging only at strikes and mostly only at "your pitch") and PCI placement?
Excellent post. Even doing all these things can still result in more double plays than in other modes because the fielders are cyborgs but it is the only approach that will give you a chance.
@Sc88terJ8nes said in Showdown Tips:
my discipline is probably the #1 issue for sure. Playing baseball in high school and amateurs I always had a mindset that the pitcher was always going to try to give me the best pitch 1st, so I swung on the 1st pitch most often.
I also was getting that 1st pitch perk too which maybe made me a bit overzealous.
I do take pitches, but also swing at a lot of nonsense.
I have thought of the idea of practicing legend for 10 minutes before the boss battle. I think I may try that.
I think I have a high success rate in AS and Veteran largely due to pitching and defense. My team also out-matches the CPU a nice deal so I can get potential HRs from 1-9 (PH for pitcher). Here in showdown, especially the 1st boss, not a whole lot of firepower.
I see you don’t play ranked. I have actually found it helpful to play ranked, take a 10 minute break, and the grind out a showdown. That is what works for me but maybe not you
ha, Im willing to try anything.
so frustrating. feels like i can steamroll it, and it has blown up each time. I feel like a toddler trying to play
ok. Just played and beat the 1st 3 challenges. Have the showdown with Berrios.
Just made my lineup very RHP friendly with with the best hitters up top. Going to take a break and pick it up later. First I am going to practice vs Berrios on Legend.
I love this mode though, at least the concept of it. Love the divisional theme and putting together a team and all that
I recently was able to steamroll Berrios and Walter Johnson, scoring the requisite runs with plenty of outs left.
Got to the final boss and forgot to set my lineup.... Arrrrrrggh. I was down 6-15, finished 11-15 with a runner on. I hit 3 perfects that were flyouts to the centerfield warning track which would have made the difference.
I feel like I am definitely close to being able to succeed at this now, as well as beat a bunch of these. Tried the 1st Inning showdown and rolled the 1st Boss there (Rockies Pitcher?).
I find the keys are to know your pitcher/opponent and go for the best hitters versus that side. If its a fastball pitcher, try to wait on a fastball in the upper 75% of the strike zone.