Randomized pitchers
I read in here that the show used to randomly pick the pitchers for you to use in RS. Why did they change that? It seems like an awesome idea and would eliminate that stale Kluber match ups.
Because it sucked investing stubs into a SP that you never knew when you would use. I remember getting 2 SPs into the rotation at roughly the same time and you’d have 2 starts with one and 20 with the other.
I think the change was done though somewhat to accommodate streamers and content creators for their “reveal” videos.
I also think that adding the ability to Prestige might have tilted the decision toward being able to pick your starter. Imagine having Felix in your rotation b/c you're trying to pick up stats with him and the randomizer goes 10-15 games without selecting him.
People would have torn their hair out.
This is much better then random!!
The mistake was having Kluber and Hal available at bronze 40... great pitchers should not be available until much later in the xp reward path, if at all.
@pbake12 said in Randomized pitchers:
This is much better then random!!
The mistake was having Kluber and Hal available at bronze 40... great pitchers should not be available until much later in the xp reward path, if at all.
Yeah this is exactly it. Kluber and Hal are free and really easy to get and there aren’t many other pitchers that are really on their level yet. Almost no one will have Mize(who looks better than Kluber on paper), and 99 Sale, Maddux, Kershaw, Hershiser(please), etc. haven’t been released yet
No. Just... no.
It was awful as long as it lasted...
If they did it right and didnt allow you to use a pitching staff that consisted of just the starters then I think things would have been way better but allowing the starters as relief and not penalizing the starters energy each game killed the good that they made. Did the patch fix any of it at all?