In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !
Yes I will take your advice and never spend another dime . But I still believe they should post there numbers. Fraud is fraud and if rules are being broken then justice should be served. A lot of money being made.
Plus I’m also talking about the packs earned.
Proud that they made the greatest baseball game of all-time? Of course they should be proud
@jellingwood said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
Showdown is a joke, sometimes it just doesn’t matter you are going to lose. And I wonder if they have to provide their pack numbers to the government. Money is involved and they are showing odds. Definitely should be looked into. They should definitely be able to provide these numbers but I’m pretty disgusted with this product and definitely have not gotten 1 diamond in fifty packs. Let’s hope another company comes along with another baseball game . Guarantee the product would get better.
This is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve ever seen. The government, lol?? Buddy it’s a chance scenario and you know it walking in, nothing shady there. I’ve played this game for years, had some bad luck and some good with packs. Showdown is super easy and if you’re losing than its on you, if it were any easier it wouldn’t even be challenging, I might have failed one out of twenty all year. Toughen up man because you sound like such a soft whiner.
@boogiewithstu2 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
They took some steps forward and some steps back .... Fielding sucks compared to last year, hitting is too easy, even offline in legend mode, just way to many cheesy hits.... Presentation is a step forward, love some of that, crowd needs to be more realistic though, not sure why they can’t get that right ... Hopefully more hitting patches coming, TONE it down !!! And I still haven’t gloved 1 infield dive play, it’s useless, not sure how that got so bad, but hopefully it’s addressed with a patch at some point...
I’m up in the air on hitting in that I feel if they gave corner strikes a player wouldn’t be forced to throw in the middle of the strike zone and thusly less meat balls. Fielding is brutal with dives, I’m ok with some not being gloved but your right practically none of them are.
To be fair they did better than real baseball, so yeah.
All I am saying is they are advertising an odds based claim on there packs that they sell stubs for. Which they definitely make a profit on. They should be able to back that up. If their numbers are wrong then that is a fraud. And what's funny my post is so ridiculous you take time to comment on. Lol
Yeah I think they're pretty happy with it. Honestly I'm pretty happy with it minus FS, and pitching online.
I'd say they are proud overall, but they are also aware that there are issues in all the modes that need addressing.
I'd say they're very proud.
Their sales numbers are better than ever. reviews are all glowing.
They are transitioning to multi platforms next year, and have had the most exposure they've ever had.Everything is great, except for the same old few kids on a forum saying it's the worst game ever. (It clearly isn't). It has a few issues for sure. Every game does. It's in better shape than any other sports game imo..
@aron1740 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
@boogiewithstu2 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
They took some steps forward and some steps back .... Fielding sucks compared to last year, hitting is too easy, even offline in legend mode, just way to many cheesy hits.... Presentation is a step forward, love some of that, crowd needs to be more realistic though, not sure why they can’t get that right ... Hopefully more hitting patches coming, TONE it down !!! And I still haven’t gloved 1 infield dive play, it’s useless, not sure how that got so bad, but hopefully it’s addressed with a patch at some point...
I’m up in the air on hitting in that I feel if they gave corner strikes a player wouldn’t be forced to throw in the middle of the strike zone and thusly less meat balls. Fielding is brutal with dives, I’m ok with some not being gloved but your right practically none of them are.
That would help yes with the strike zone, but man, literally getting 15-20 hits every game on Legend level, CPU is also just raking hits like i'm using a pitching machine... lol ... When I put in some of the older versions it's just way more of a defensive and pitching game compared to this year..... But hey, I'm sure more patches are coming so we'll see how the final product looks soon enough....
@jellingwood said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
All I am saying is they are advertising an odds based claim on there packs that they sell stubs for. Which they definitely make a profit on. They should be able to back that up. If their numbers are wrong then that is a fraud. And what's funny my post is so ridiculous you take time to comment on. Lol
Opening 50 packs in no way guarantees a diamond, that's not how gambling odds work. You have 1:50 chance every pack. They are doing nothing unethical.
Also, anyone who's seen "The Jeerk"... It's a profit deal?!? Step right up and win some ....
(they censored the correct spelling of the movie title) -
@Nanthrax_1 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
I'd say they're very proud.
Their sales numbers are better than ever. reviews are all glowing.
They are transitioning to multi platforms next year, and have had the most exposure they've ever had.Everything is great, except for the same old few kids on a forum saying it's the worst game ever. (It clearly isn't). It has a few issues for sure. Every game does. It's in better shape than any other sports game imo..
If franchise mode doesn't get stadium editor next year on PS5 I'll take Couch hostage.
When i first started out with showdown I constantly lost. As i got better, showdown got easier. Now I never lose them. And I don't even think I'm that good at the game, just spent a lot of time playing.
Also, content has been awesome. My buggest problem is picking a lineup because I have too many good cards. And i haven't spent a dime on anything other than the game itself. Yes fielding can be wonky sometimes, and occasionally you'll see someone crush a down and away FB 450ft oppo somehow. All in all, I'm having a good time playing. Definitely needs some tuning and cleaning up, but SDS has really put out a very good game.
You don't have to spend a dollar if you don't want. I chose not to, and happy I did. Just play the game, grind for stubs and cards, and dont complain because you bought a pack that didn't give you 4 diamonds
@Doppelganger39 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
I'd say they are proud overall, but they are also aware that there are issues in all the modes that need addressing.
If they are proud of this game I dont even know what to say. I'm not gonna say showdown is hard because its just not. My problem is h to h online. It's just random. You have way to many sub 500 guys making ws. Sorry but that just shouldn't happen. It's supposed to be the highest level of the most competitive mode. How does 500 translate to that.
@boogiewithstu2 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
@aron1740 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
@boogiewithstu2 said in In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !:
They took some steps forward and some steps back .... Fielding sucks compared to last year, hitting is too easy, even offline in legend mode, just way to many cheesy hits.... Presentation is a step forward, love some of that, crowd needs to be more realistic though, not sure why they can’t get that right ... Hopefully more hitting patches coming, TONE it down !!! And I still haven’t gloved 1 infield dive play, it’s useless, not sure how that got so bad, but hopefully it’s addressed with a patch at some point...
I’m up in the air on hitting in that I feel if they gave corner strikes a player wouldn’t be forced to throw in the middle of the strike zone and thusly less meat balls. Fielding is brutal with dives, I’m ok with some not being gloved but your right practically none of them are.
That would help yes with the strike zone, but man, literally getting 15-20 hits every game on Legend level, CPU is also just raking hits like i'm using a pitching machine... lol ... When I put in some of the older versions it's just way more of a defensive and pitching game compared to this year..... But hey, I'm sure more patches are coming so we'll see how the final product looks soon enough....
I’m with ya, I would definitely like to see hitting toned down but at least make the strike zone the strike zone , lol.
I think they are torn. Things changed since they got with sie....and once they got promoted to the bigs I think they felt the pressure to bring in the numbers which changed gameplay.
I would compare them to an indie artist that went mainstream. Lots of money coming in but cant put out the art you really want. So the success is good since their gameplay/ skill gap appeals to more casuals but I think they really want to put out a competitive version of the show. We might get it 2021 for ps5!! Fingers crossed
So I think they are proud of the game given the circumstances