19—Stub Making Tips for a Market Noob?
I use the market to sell any duplicate cards I have, especially if they are worth a good bit. However, I don't really play the market a whole lot to make stub profits, so I'm a total noob in that regard.
Got a 60k stub balance right now in last year's game, and looking to buy a card that's over 500k stubs worth from the market. How should I play the market to build my stub count in order to make that purchase?
I greatly appreciate it!
For last years game, find out what sells and slam that as much as possible. I'm sure there are some cards with great ROI, but it they're not moving, it doesn't matter.
I’d suggest flipping the Finest series. They move relatively quickly and solid margins! Start with the 5K ones and then start working your way up to the more expensive ones. Good luck!
Yeah finest is a good thing to flip. They tend to move quicker since they're and game content.
I dont see any finest cards. Which cards are they?
This link is to a pic of what the Finest cards look like for MLBTS19. If you’re trying to locate these cards in the game, when you go to your player inventory, you hit R2 to see the non-live series cards, and that’s where you’ll see the Finest cards for whichever team you’re looking at. Hope this helps!
If you're not sure how to filter for Finest cards in MLBTS19, flipping may not be for you.