BR and voice
BR is the only pure online mode. Enable chat already, or is everyone a snow flake?
With the amount of immaturity that's come from just the messages after you beat someone.. yeah enabling chat is a bad idea. How does one acquire the skills to be a snowflake? Enlighten me.
@Halfberry said in BR and voice:
BR is the only pure online mode. Enable chat already, or is everyone a snow flake?
In two sentences you demonstrated the exact reason why SDS will never enable voice chat in this game. You're already insulting people you've never met in an attempt to bully others into getting your way. You should start a Twitter account and run for office.
This isn't a team based game where you need to strategize with other players. It's one on one. If you want to [censored] talk to your opponent, use messages. If they're smart, your opponent will have them turned off so they don't have to deal with the stupidity.
And honestly, do you really need to [censored] talk in a game where a large percentage of the outcome is decided by a roll of the virtual dice? It's bad enough people have to play through games with bunt dancing, R2 holding, fly ball circling douche bags. No one needs to also hear their prepubescent crackling voice hurling insults while their mother yells at them to take out the trash.
@PennStateFencer said in BR and voice:.
while their mother yells at them to take out the trash.
I pictured Justin Long in Galaxy Quest when I read this.
I love the messages when they are losing. You already know they are "special needs" players
@Halfberry said in BR and voice:
BR is the only pure online mode. Enable chat already, or is everyone a snow flake?
I disabled chat and messages four years ago. Got tired of the ethnic slurs, all the abuse, and the immaturity.