I feel like they've reduced the amount of trade opportunities... anyone else?
Seriously, the first few launch M2Os I did had at least 4-6 trades in each, now I'm lucky if I get 3 done by the Trade Deadline.
I think I've always gotten 3-4
Yeah, I get somewhere between 3-6. First couple are always small offers and then, bam, the big offers start.
Big offers for me have always been right before the trade deadline with 2/3 deals sprinkled in along the way.
I'm 75% through my 7th MTO run. It does seem like this last run there fewer opportunities. Three to be exact. Seems like I normally get 5 or 6 opportunities for trade and/or call ups. This time only three.
yes about 2-3, 3-4 and it's always for the same players no matter who i target. Soler, villar, eaton, cron, realmuto (twice), did get yelich once.
also practically 0 call ups