How about a story?
Why cant we have a story like Madden or 2K? Instead of monotone "uncle bob" narrating the life of a young ball player year after year. Quit the copy and paste RTTS every year and let's add some real content to this mode.
We have Trevor. All we need bro.
Honestly, thats all I used to do every year play Road To the Show!! But now I transfered to Dymond Dynasty because I felt that RTTS has been the same forever!! Please MLB The Show include a Story for RTTS like in 2K!! I believe the community would love it!! And would be major change to the mode!! It would attract more people, and those who have left the mode for similar reasons that I Have, would return in a heart beat!!! Please make it happen!!!
So much for a story. Lol
It almost feels like they make rtts worse every year to drive us to go play and spend money in dd. I mean these load outs are a joke. Bring back what we had last year just with a true two way player not this version we have now.
In 2k21, your player even gets a college. Never hear from her again in the pros. Too bad!
I would love to see them do a story mode as we play our way through the minors. It would get boring and tedious if it went beyond that though. I guess you could still show some cut scenes and include things once you hit the majors.
During their live ball player feature thing, Ramone or whatever the hell his name is said " you asked for it, we included it" referring to the podcast. So I guess they consider that to be a story mode haha. Personally I find them dull and boring. They are very general and basic. Have nothing to do with our character. So I end up skipping 80% of them.
Even the podcast guy goes away after I played first full MLB season.
Trevor Story best Story.
@gallo0928 said in How about a story?:
Honestly, thats all I used to do every year play Road To the Show!! But now I transfered to Dymond Dynasty because I felt that RTTS has been the same forever!! Please MLB The Show include a Story for RTTS like in 2K!! I believe the community would love it!! And would be major change to the mode!! It would attract more people, and those who have left the mode for similar reasons that I Have, would return in a heart beat!!! Please make it happen!!!
Absolutely!! Thanks for posting this. I would love for the RTTS not only to have the story to get the player into the Show but that the story continues into the actual season like 2K does.
Stories are not worth it if they can’t expand them beyond 1 or 2 seasons. The Madden story is better this year at least but still very linear. The NBA 2K story is fun at least, and funny if you go to G League. But it stops after first season pretty much. NHL has never had anything until this year and it’s pretty bare.
To make it worth while it should follow your whole career in my opinion.