Online etiquette when I suck
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Idk. But in RS a loss hurts you while events a loss doesn't hurt your rating or record. Plus you have a better chance at a comeback over a 9 inning game rather than a 3 or 6 inning game.
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I will quit in Events games if I'm down 4 or more. My signature quit is
"Here's an inside the park HR for ya pal, once your done rounding them bases I'm going to quit and we can both move on towards our goal of securing a digital Fred McGriff baseball card! Have a great day!"
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I had someone dashboard me once when I hit a dinger... this is a rare occurrence for me and I vividly recall the pain of that moment lol. Will never dashboard in the middle of a game... don’t understand why people feel better taking away someone else’s accomplishment.
You’re entitled to do what you want. I always play out but wouldn’t fault anyone if they wanted to move on
I don’t give a [censored], in ranked if I’m being robbed by this game and my opponent is getting very early out in front doubles im done. If your better then me I’ll take the beat down and learn from it. But if the game is not rewarding me why would I suffer through it. I’m concentrating on showdown, at least I know the computer is gonna screw me
@InigoMontoya_75 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
"lob-sided win "
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya
IMO “rage quitting” is unplugging while the solo shot to make it 9 - 0 is still in the air because you’re blind with anger.
Recognizing that you are outmatched (at least for one game), and choosing to do better things with your time is just smart.
Also, 70% of this community will complain no matter what you just do what you like.
@InigoMontoya_75 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Scenario to think about... you’re obviously better than me, and are winning like 6-0 after two innings. Would you rather I play out the game and lose big, or just quit and give you the W?
I ask because I’ve quit before (never mid-play... always between innings) because I think good players would rather have a quick W than drag out a boring lob-sided win. I’ve heard the term “rage quit”, but if I do it it’s because I think my opponent would prefer it. Would good players rather me keep playing and win 15-0, or get an easy win after a couple of innings instead?
Please quit cuz sooner or later my pitches will stop locating, I'll put a couple on and I'll serve one right up for a 3 or 4 run bomb. So yeah save me pain lmao Hell i don't even care if you dashboard lol
With Stamina working as it does this year, quits are the most beneficial thing to anyone, no matter what side of a blowout you’re on
I strictly play RS and I'll take an opponent quitting anytime of the week. Automatic W, but more importantly, added ranked points to your rating.
I find it hilarious when you're beating your opponent so bad, that instead of saving time and just quitting, they rather stick around and pitch batting practice to your guys.
I agree with the comment above about getting better by playing stronger opponents. That being said, running through your bullpen can hurt you in games to come.
I try to play it out if I can.
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I think you may have an irrational hate for “dashboarders.” I don’t do it to steal stats from anyone, but why should I wait for you to watch your whole replay when I know I’m going to quit anyways?
I have quit before and regretted it. It doesn't feel good. To your point, if I'm down big and I can't hit for the life of me, I'd rather groove fastballs down the middle and get the mercy rule. Then you atleast get the after game rewards still.
@BBsoli15 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I think you may have an irrational hate for “dashboarders.” I don’t do it to steal stats from anyone, but why should I wait for you to watch your whole replay when I know I’m going to quit anyways?
So it's faster to kill the app and wait for the whole game to boot again?
@BBsoli15 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I think you may have an irrational hate for “dashboarders.” I don’t do it to steal stats from anyone, but why should I wait for you to watch your whole replay when I know I’m going to quit anyways?
Lol ya that extra 10 seconds is huge. I think you have an irrational immaturity over a video game.
I’ll never be offended if you quit. Saves time, I get the win and my pitchers stamina isn’t used up.
The one thing I do hate is if I’m up in a game and someone requests a friendly quit. If it’s tied and we each have the same number of at bats left, sure. But not if I’m up.
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@BBsoli15 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I think you may have an irrational hate for “dashboarders.” I don’t do it to steal stats from anyone, but why should I wait for you to watch your whole replay when I know I’m going to quit anyways?
Lol ya that extra 10 seconds is huge. I think you have an irrational immaturity over a video game.
But the people who watch every replay are mature? Come on. If they want to waste time watching every replay, they don’t deserve the stats when I dashboard.
@BBsoli15 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@BBsoli15 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
@Ch-76-1908 said in Online etiquette when I suck:
Quitting is fine imo. Just don't dashboard! I can't even begin to understand the type of immaturity it requires to dashboard! Really sucks when it affects a stat or prestige grind.
Dashboarders need to grow up but it ain't gonna happen. I'm certain they have way larger life issues than video game rage.
I think you may have an irrational hate for “dashboarders.” I don’t do it to steal stats from anyone, but why should I wait for you to watch your whole replay when I know I’m going to quit anyways?
Lol ya that extra 10 seconds is huge. I think you have an irrational immaturity over a video game.
But the people who watch every replay are mature? Come on. If they want to waste time watching every replay, they don’t deserve the stats when I dashboard.
The whole 10 seconds? You must really lose your mind when people don't quick pitch.