Tired of giving up HR's because of this!
You probably hadn’t served up a meatball in awhile so the game was “balancing” things out.
You ever notice playing the CPU they will dot you all over and then suddenly it’s a hanger middle/middle? We are just following the script.
@genopolanco said in Tired of giving up HR's because of this!:
You probably hadn’t served up a meatball in awhile so the game was “balancing” things out.
You ever notice playing the CPU they will dot you all over and then suddenly it’s a hanger middle/middle? We are just following the script.
Sure hadn't I was pitching a great game. And this towering shot of a HR was to Lux's Silver card, 57 power rating.
@Jbob811 said in Tired of giving up HR's because of this!:
RHP on the mound, Left handed hitter at the plate. I aim a slider down and in, just to the left of square 7. How in the world does it end up right in the middle of square 2 and 3? Baseballs cant do that.
It didn't go from down and in to up middle.when calculating a missed spot the game goes from aim point to aim point then calculates break.
your slider was aimed down and in middle in or middle middle- with break taking it to down and in. from those spots and early release miss will cause to it to be to the right of original aim point, in this case missed aim point would be the ribs of a righty batter and slider break taking it to middle of zone. -
It was aimed down and in out of the zone. It wasn't aimed anywhere close to middle. When a slider is aimed down and in and it misses location, it will either miss badly inside or leak towards the middle, but still be low in the zone, they dont float high and away.