Showdown sucks
@jonblaze2424 said in Showdown sucks:
I'm torn on Showdown. I think the basis of it is fantastic, it brings a different light to the game for those that don't want to grind full games and the concept is actually cool.....but goodness gracious can it be frustrating. Ripping for an hour, going into the final boss down 5 with 15 outs and an absolutely stacked line up only to garner 2 hits total....makes you want to throw the game out the window then cartwheel into traffic.
Showdown seems like the easiest way to progress in team affinities/1st/2nd/3rd inning programs.....they just are not that easy lol
Funny you mention 2 hits. I literally just faced Schmidt in the Stage 2 AL Showdown and only got 2 hits. All my perfect perfects were outs. I took the take until 2 strike approach and at the end he was at 100 pitches and still in the green lol.
I tried something new and warmed up on conquest on hall of fame then went in to showdown and it made it way easier for me.
My two issues with showdown are the sliders/advertised difficulty level and that you can't use your own DD team. If they advertise a showdown level at veteran or all-star, then it should play at veteran or all-star...Otherwise, just say it's at Hall of Fame difficulty and they would get much less heat because would be setting the proper expectations.
Second, I wish you could use your DD team. Right now, if you want to play offline, the only two modes where you use the team you work hard to build are conquest and play vs CPU. This seems like a wasted opportunity by SDS because they want to encourage people to spend money on micro-transactions and if people (like me) are having trouble on showdowns, then maybe they will spend money for better players.
@InigoMontoya_75 said in Showdown sucks:
I love the idea of Showdown, but I just get too stressed and angry while playing. I somehow won my first go at the AL East Showdown and have lost about 4 or 5 in a row now. I wish they had two levels of difficulty, with an easier version that gave about half the rewards.
Should be with our own DD team.
@NoMore322 said in Showdown sucks:
Showdown is the worst mode ever introduce
you couldnt be any further from the truth......
this mode is very very profitable
@nflman2033 said in Showdown sucks:
@formallyforearms said in Showdown sucks:
You guys wouldve hated old school video games then. You either beat the game, or you didnt, and had to restart all over again. Its meant to be a challenge.
I did, why do you think I play sports games, I grew up on NES and Arcade games. It's like an old arcade game, if you suck, you have to spend more quarters.
But at least then you got to continue where you died. What I am saying is let me pay another entry fee when I get beat by the final boss, to have a 2nd crack at him.
What really bothers me is those old games you would get better over time. I've played lots of Showdowns and I really am no better at them now than I was 50 tries ago.
This. All this.
I always love the responses: "It's easy. I did it." Or "you don't know what you are doing." Thanks for that insight.
I've been playing this game since 17, and video game baseball since Earl Weaver way back in the 80's. I'm just saying this mode is a little too unforgiving. I'd like to see a save feature after each boss. If you lose on the next one, pay the re-entry free and start back where you saved. As someone that plays mostly offline, I have fewer options for getting DD points. Don't make those options this frustrating.
@NoMore322 said in Showdown sucks:
Showdown is the worst mode ever introduce
In a close 2nd would be Diamond Dynasty....caused them to ignore other modes and introduced them to a little thing called greed..ha
What I don’t understand about showdown is why they label challenges as rookie or veteran but they play so much different and harder than that.
I can go play conquest, MTO, or vs. cpu on all star and bat around my lineup fairly frequently in an inning. However I struggle to even get on base in rookie and veteran showdown challenges???? It makes no sense.
If they wanna keep showdown this challenging fine, but I think it aggrevates most of us when we go in feeling confident that we can handle these only to find it doesn’t play the way it’s advertised.
I really like the idea of the mode and the way its set up, but it frustrates me even more than ranked seasons.
@Serafim42-zaphod said in Showdown sucks:
I always love the responses: "It's easy. I did it." Or "you don't know what you are doing." Thanks for that insight.
I've been playing this game since 17, and video game baseball since Earl Weaver way back in the 80's. I'm just saying this mode is a little too unforgiving. I'd like to see a save feature after each boss. If you lose on the next one, pay the re-entry free and start back where you saved. As someone that plays mostly offline, I have fewer options for getting DD points. Don't make those options this frustrating.
I refuse to play this mode, I just do player programs and re grind conquest over and over and over...btr than that scripted nonsense. No matter who is at the plate and who is pitching, the AI WILL get the double play when they need it. And when you're pitching and the AI wants to come back, your diamond pitcher will magically lose control even with a green energy bar. And the commons will blast the ball all over the park, and place perfect bloops. I despise SDS for their programming on this, they need come competition
@MrGamebred said in Showdown sucks:
It's easy and pretty much the option we have so you guys gotta adjust.
If you're getting pissed off at showdown, what helped me, was doing it in chunks. I'll do half, go play something else or go outside, then come back to it.
You get pissed and you already lost.
That's what I do. It's still hard but doing it in either thirds or half at a time seems better especially when you start trying to hard.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Showdown sucks:
@Serafim42-zaphod said in Showdown sucks:
I always love the responses: "It's easy. I did it." Or "you don't know what you are doing." Thanks for that insight.
I've been playing this game since 17, and video game baseball since Earl Weaver way back in the 80's. I'm just saying this mode is a little too unforgiving. I'd like to see a save feature after each boss. If you lose on the next one, pay the re-entry free and start back where you saved. As someone that plays mostly offline, I have fewer options for getting DD points. Don't make those options this frustrating.
I refuse to play this mode, I just do player programs and re grind conquest over and over and over...btr than that scripted nonsense. No matter who is at the plate and who is pitching, the AI WILL get the double play when they need it. And when you're pitching and the AI wants to come back, your diamond pitcher will magically lose control even with a green energy bar. And the commons will blast the ball all over the park, and place perfect bloops. I despise SDS for their programming on this, they need come competition
Yea, I've pretty much focused on just conquest, and I do the player programs that give DD points each inning. I've conquered America four(?) times already. It's fun, relaxing, and not frustrating.
@Jet11Simp said in Showdown sucks:
Quick question for all of you......
Showdown isn't repeatable, or is it? Wondering if you can do it more than once to get more stars.
It is. But it’s not meant for stars.
@HollaMV7 said in Showdown sucks:
@Jet11Simp said in Showdown sucks:
Quick question for all of you......
Showdown isn't repeatable, or is it? Wondering if you can do it more than once to get more stars.
It is. But it’s not meant for stars.
Thanks for that. I figured you could repeat it, but not get the stars. Just didn't know.
I know you earn your xp and stubs, but [censored] is it deflating to get to the end and lose. Just lost 15-14 against Kyle Wright with the tying run at the plate for the final 9 outs. Started out 15-6. Played OK all the way up. Missed a couple I probably should have beaten. But after more than an hour, it is [censored] deflating to come away without any vouchers.
Edit: Apparently The D A M N word is censored.
i am a very very average player and i win 9 out of 10 showdowns i play. my RS record is 23-31.. so, really average or even below
@JaksDaddy758 said in Showdown sucks:
What I don’t understand about showdown is why they label challenges as rookie or veteran but they play so much different and harder than that.
I can go play conquest, MTO, or vs. cpu on all star and bat around my lineup fairly frequently in an inning. However I struggle to even get on base in rookie and veteran showdown challenges???? It makes no sense.
If they wanna keep showdown this challenging fine, but I think it aggrevates most of us when we go in feeling confident that we can handle these only to find it doesn’t play the way it’s advertised.
I really like the idea of the mode and the way its set up, but it frustrates me even more than ranked seasons.
They came out last year and admitted that the moments labeled at veteran and rookie were not actually at the level. Midseason they changed it and moments became bearable. What turned me off was why would a company deceive its consumers?
Once I saw this it changed my view. I dont want to call it lying but if u can deceive us in one aspect...what other aspect are we being decieved in that just hasnt been revealed yet. Remember they didnt come out and say it...we had to complain and gripe until the jig was up
As a newbie to DD, or any mode outside franchise, the biggest issues I have with Showdown are 1) I don't feel it plays to the stated level and 2) the stub cost of playing the mode is excessive, in my opinion, especially having to start over each time.
Showdown is the best thing they’ve done since they added Br in 16