Just a frustrated rant
I love the game
Me too -
too many homeruns
Agreed. Although I think your IRL baseball analysis is probably off -
fastball difficulty
Try batting practice in legend mode for a couple minutes before each game. If that seems monotonous or stupid try MTO in legend mode. I’ll play a couple HoF moments before each game, it helps a little -
Agreed. They basically replaced outfielders dropping balls with infielders booting them. This just cost me a game so I’m a little bitter but if I see one more fielder let a ball bounce off him... -
Stop taking an extra step. Don’t know how it is in custom league but in DD I dont even think you can throw over more than once if the runner isn’t increasing his lead. -
sorry for the long winded rant
I accept your apology. It’s not like I have anything better to do
@SizzLa718 said in Just a frustrated rant:
Yea def too much time on your hands to write half of a novel realistically 7 paragraphs that their not gona read i almost had a seizure reading it myself jeez But all I cud say is get better at the gm stop crying count your own numbers and production not others and obv it’s mostly a lot of hrs are getting hit off of you so you need to develop and devise more of a strategic approach while pitching and especially if you have online challenge settings for hitting difficulty set to any you don’t know who your gona play and wat degree of difficulty it’s gonna be (Rookie, Veteran, Allstar,HOF, Legend) if it’s on Rookie both of your PCI’s will be big as hell and if it’s HOF or Legend most likely your playing someone who knows how to hit and play good and lots of homeruns will be hit.. I duno how it matches you up with opponents when you have it set to Any but I’m sure it could be random or go off your online rating either way just do Custom practice and just get Better in the GAME!!!
I had a seizure trying to find a period In your response rant. It was an unwanted game of where's Waldo.
@roguedrizzt said in Just a frustrated rant:
I love the game
Me too -
too many homeruns
Agreed. Although I think your IRL baseball analysis is probably off -
fastball difficulty
Try batting practice in legend mode for a couple minutes before each game. If that seems monotonous or stupid try MTO in legend mode. I’ll play a couple HoF moments before each game, it helps a little -
Agreed. They basically replaced outfielders dropping balls with infielders booting them. This just cost me a game so I’m a little bitter but if I see one more fielder let a ball bounce off him... -
Stop taking an extra step. Don’t know how it is in custom league but in DD I dont even think you can throw over more than once if the runner isn’t increasing his lead. -
sorry for the long winded rant
I accept your apology. It’s not like I have anything better to do
Edit just always drag bunt, even when you want to move a runner. Still doesn’t work every time but it’s more affective
@T-Rox_09 said in Just a frustrated rant:
@SizzLa718 said in Just a frustrated rant:
Yea def too much time on your hands to write half of a novel realistically 7 paragraphs that their not gona read i almost had a seizure reading it myself jeez But all I cud say is get better at the gm stop crying count your own numbers and production not others and obv it’s mostly a lot of hrs are getting hit off of you so you need to develop and devise more of a strategic approach while pitching and especially if you have online challenge settings for hitting difficulty set to any you don’t know who your gona play and wat degree of difficulty it’s gonna be (Rookie, Veteran, Allstar,HOF, Legend) if it’s on Rookie both of your PCI’s will be big as hell and if it’s HOF or Legend most likely your playing someone who knows how to hit and play good and lots of homeruns will be hit.. I duno how it matches you up with opponents when you have it set to Any but I’m sure it could be random or go off your online rating either way just do Custom practice and just get Better in the GAME!!!
I had a seizure trying to find a period In your response rant. It was an unwanted game of where's Waldo.
haha right? Makes post complaining about OP's wall of text then proceeds to wall of text even worse than the OP.
@The_Worm031 said in Just a frustrated rant:
I want to start all this by saying I love MLB the Show and I’m very pleased seeing the brought back online leagues as in the past that was predominately all I played. I didn’t even buy in 19 because they still hadn’t brought them back.
Anyways so I just want to vent some of my issues with the gameplay as it is currently. For starters I think there are too many homeruns. Much too many. I get some players are better at the game than others but even players who muster 4-5 hits per game are having 2 or 3 of those hits be homeruns. Look at some of the players numbers you play against....9 home runs 16 RBI. 3 home runs 5 RBI. 27 Home runs 36 RBI. That’s just some of the numbers I saw from an opponent I just played. 27 homers with 36 rbi?!? That’s just crazy to me. I’m not sure what can be done to improve this, as I agree a perfect-perfect should be rewarded but maybe make perfect-perfect a little harder to achieve and expand the “squared up” range. I just feel like there should be some actual baseball involved in this 9 inning home run derby. Part of the fun of the game in the past was the battle between pitcher and batter and it’s 5 times more tense once you have RISP. I enjoy that aspect. But getting a runner in scoring position is almost a myth unless you single and steal a base. There are probably 5 times more homers than there are doubles and triples combined. I haven’t looked at actual numbers from MLB but I’d venture to say in real life there’s at least twice as many doubles as there are home runs. Not the other way around. Let’s bring some baseball back.
Okay secondly, the difficulty of hitting fastballs this year is ridiculous to me. This could be partially in part because I took a year off from the game, but after 150ish games or so I feel like I’d at least be close to what I was before. But I still can get to a fastball without sitting dead red. And if they throw any other pitch to any other location I’m still swinging because I feel like that’s the only way to hit a high fastball is to guess 100% correctly. This issue is less glaring than the previous because this could just be my skill level being up to par.
Next, fielding errors. Let me first say kudos on patching all the outfield fly ball issues. Much much much better in that regard. The fielding error issue now is just guys bumbling routine ground balls. Half the time it still results in an out so I don’t guess this issue is all that major but still I feel like the bobbling of simple grounders even from the likes of Ozzie Smith or Andrelton Simmons is a little much. Pull back on that frequency a little please.
Then, pick offs at second seem to happen much to often. It’s already a miracle that you’re on second base in the first place without walking the rest of the way following a home run. Let us have the base for crying out loud. It seems like about half time you take a one tap lead, even if you don’t touch L2 you’re getting picked off. I just know it wasn’t anywhere near that frequent in the past and I guess it’s something I’ll have to adjust to but I feel like without that 1 step lead off second even (the rare) base hit to the outfield that unless my speed is over 60-65 there’s a relatively decent chance I don’t make it home in time to beat a throw. In reality even Albert Pujols is scoring on a base hit if he’s on second base the majority of the time.
And lastly, bunting. It seems almost impossible to work a sac bunt. I had diamond Mondesi on first had a one tap lead, go to lay down a sac bunt (game was tied 2-2 I think in the 8th) and I get the bunt down (amazing it wasn’t a pop up in the first place) and they still get mondesi at second. Again it’s like they don’t want you on second. Maybe I just need tips on bunting but it’s not like it’s difficult. I pull back on pitches out of the zone and only try and lay it down when it’s in the zone. But I still feel like unless I’m stealing second while bunting, and risking a double play on the frequent pop up bunts, that the success rate of a sac bunt is roughly 10-20% which is absurd to me on what should be one of the easiest plays in baseball. With that being said I do understand in the past a lot of players would just bunt for base hits frequently so you have to have a fair medium here and I don’t know where the middle ground is there but hopefully someone can figure that out. Cause a sac bunt should be successful about 85% of the time when the bunt gets down, not the other way around.
Okay i know that was incredibly long winded but I needed to rant and hopefully it will be heard by those who matter. I know SDS is very active on the forums which I think is really cool of them. By the way, I’ll certainly still be playing this game. Just wanted to rant about some glaring .
Th"There's no crying in baseball" said the alleged pedo Tom Hanks in "A League of t
Their Own". Being a female fan I know you seen it.. I'm kidding but someone for sure will have something like this if I scroll. No trolling here.seriously though do you read these threads. Same ol recycled issues Are they valid. You made great arguments with examples. IMO SDS cant win.Nail realism like diff strike zones different umps.Getting squeezed. Got that down.Some complain.Not me. Perfect perfect outs? Well if you dont get under the ball you cant drive it.No.launch angle = no lift. Last year was a problem with liners at fielders being too much..Sort of fixed it.Issues though affect you and I both. You have to adapt. Like how you did is the world and nation that is really flexing as we speak on the classism muscle. Make the poor poorer etc etc.. In a perfect world this would be a perfect game. As far as video games go, this is pretty [censored] good.Play another baseball game and the Show will be tough to beat.
@KingsCountyOG718 I’ve got to admit I like your points, and as I said, I’ll still be playing the game. I love the game, although sometimes I feel like I’m just the games girlfriend who it abuses and then I cry to my friends about how the game “loves me too though.” But I understand there’re gonna be issues regardless. I was just ranting to cool myself down after what was obviously a frustrating game lol.
@SizzLa718 said in Just a frustrated rant:
Yea def too much time on your hands to write half of a novel realistically 7 paragraphs that their not gona read i almost had a seizure reading it myself jeez But all I cud say is get better at the gm stop crying count your own numbers and production not others and obv it’s mostly a lot of hrs are getting hit off of you so you need to develop and devise more of a strategic approach while pitching and especially if you have online challenge settings for hitting difficulty set to any you don’t know who your gona play and wat degree of difficulty it’s gonna be (Rookie, Veteran, Allstar,HOF, Legend) if it’s on Rookie both of your PCI’s will be big as hell and if it’s HOF or Legend most likely your playing someone who knows how to hit and play good and lots of homeruns will be hit.. I duno how it matches you up with opponents when you have it set to Any but I’m sure it could be random or go off your online rating either way just do Custom practice and just get Better in the GAME!!!
Can I get a period please sir? But when I play ranked I set difficulty to all star, although usually I’m playing on DD, but that is also on all star. My rating floats around 500 (which is also on all star settings) and has been as high as 640ish (still all star). I’d say that maybe I should try an easier setting for hitting but then it’s just more home runs. And my record in DD is currently 28-27 and that’s with a literal .203 batting average. So obviously I’m not the only one having trouble if I have a .500 record with that kind of average. Basically every game I play is on all star, I’d play HOF to lower the number of homers if I could, but I’m already flirting with Mendoza on all star
The problem with Bering homeruns is it would make pitching too strong. It’s hard to string out hits in this game and therefore if you make homers less, you make the game 2-1 type games almost every time. Was it 18 that was like that? It was super boring. Yoi also have to remember most people only play for HR with power bats, if real life lineups were like these there’s be bombs as well.
Look at the twins stats last year 318 doubles, 309 homeruns.... almost 1 for 1 . I’d guess most teams were 1.5 doubles per homerun.
@Crimson_Monk said in Just a frustrated rant:
The problem with Bering homeruns is it would make pitching too strong. It’s hard to string out hits in this game and therefore if you make homers less, you make the game 2-1 type games almost every time. Was it 18 that was like that? It was super boring. Yoi also have to remember most people only play for HR with power bats, if real life lineups were like these there’s be bombs as well.
Look at the twins stats last year 318 doubles, 309 homeruns.... almost 1 for 1 . I’d guess most teams were 1.5 doubles per homerun.
That’s actually a good point in regards to the fact that almost every player in a DD lineup has a power rating of 75-80+ if not much higher. This is why I was more of an online league fan in the first place. You aren’t running diamond players out there all over the place. Idk, it’s just obnoxious I guess the way the game has changed. On here and in real life I guess. Looking at my stats from 2015 compared to this year, and in ranked games I had 138 HR in 211 online ranked games while batting .288. This year I have 68 home runs in 66 games while batting .210. Perhaps this is just a sad reflection as to what real life baseball has become today too.
@The_Worm031 said in Just a frustrated rant:
@Crimson_Monk said in Just a frustrated rant:
The problem with Bering homeruns is it would make pitching too strong. It’s hard to string out hits in this game and therefore if you make homers less, you make the game 2-1 type games almost every time. Was it 18 that was like that? It was super boring. Yoi also have to remember most people only play for HR with power bats, if real life lineups were like these there’s be bombs as well.
Look at the twins stats last year 318 doubles, 309 homeruns.... almost 1 for 1 . I’d guess most teams were 1.5 doubles per homerun.
That’s actually a good point in regards to the fact that almost every player in a DD lineup has a power rating of 75-80+ if not much higher. This is why I was more of an online league fan in the first place. You aren’t running diamond players out there all over the place. Idk, it’s just obnoxious I guess the way the game has changed. On here and in real life I guess. Looking at my stats from 2015 compared to this year, and in ranked games I had 138 HR in 211 online ranked games while batting .288. This year I have 68 home runs in 66 games while batting .210. Perhaps this is just a sad reflection as to what real life baseball has become today too.
Yeah. There is no room in this game for guys like Rollins or victirino, this game would be better if non power hitters were viable or let games be like 90s college baseball worth 18-14 games. Geese young players are taught so much about launch angles and not much about hitting to all fields, that’s why the shift is so popular. Freddie freeman and guys like that exploit it but the lack of proper hitting coaching even at the middle school level is pumping out Khris Davis’ and very few whole field hitters