We could use a season mode for offline DD
YES! I just want some meaningful 9 inning offline games that will work to grind for TA innings, not the dumb signature moments games from last year that didn't count.
They should just make a conquest map that has 9 inning games, can't be that hard to duplicate another map, and just change the inning length.
Hard pass from me
@Abvid said in We could use a season mode for offline DD:
When that survey was around, this was one of my biggest points of feedback (as they were only asking about content).
I even pointed out that the content they had was great (i.e., Ranked Seasons and BR), why not just flip a toggle from the dev side to have it allow for an "offline" mode as well. For one, I am dying for a reason to play full 9 inn games with my DD team, without the hassle of playing other people and all the gameplay issues that are tossed about on here.
I feel like Showdown was a good step in that direction, but still lacking in the 9 inning aspect and using my best DD team obviously. Come on Devs, just let us CPU guys have a season long type mode please!
I gave this exact feedback as well, glad I'm not alone on this haha
Yes please, I've wanted a reason to play an offline 9 inning game for two years now
Yes! More importantly, I would also like “offline” to mean “no internet required.” I’ve been hit by the extremely frustrating Network Error plague this year, and I’ve found that I can’t even play Conquest reliably. Why?? I don’t get why I need to be connected to the internet for Conquest but not for MtO or RttS.
@SchnauzerFace said in We could use a season mode for offline DD:
Yes! More importantly, I would also like “offline” to mean “no internet required.” I’ve been hit by the extremely frustrating Network Error plague this year, and I’ve found that I can’t even play Conquest reliably. Why?? I don’t get why I need to be connected to the internet for Conquest but not for MtO or RttS.
All save information is kept server side to prevent hacking.
@Abvid said in We could use a season mode for offline DD:
When that survey was around, this was one of my biggest points of feedback (as they were only asking about content).
I even pointed out that the content they had was great (i.e., Ranked Seasons and BR), why not just flip a toggle from the dev side to have it allow for an "offline" mode as well. For one, I am dying for a reason to play full 9 inn games with my DD team, without the hassle of playing other people and all the gameplay issues that are tossed about on here.
I feel like Showdown was a good step in that direction, but still lacking in the 9 inning aspect and using my best DD team obviously. Come on Devs, just let us CPU guys have a season long type mode please!
Would honestly like them to add like a daily game for your favorite team and you play and earn rewards and at the end of the season you see where your at based on reward teirs but also we have march to october where we can complete modes like this
There are already 9 inning vs CPU offline game - e.g. win vs Yankees on All-Star as part of the Posada and Granderson missions. All they need to do is make them repeatable for mission points instead of win only once.
I do believe they made the game vs Yankees as part of the Granderson mission so why not do it for all the player missions? It would be more fun than grinding through many of the moments that can turn into a complete waste of time.
Simple season mode w/ standings and the standard MLB teams. XP is obviously there, and give that mode it's own reward path. Can build in "beat the Yankees on All-Star or higher" type rewards to get packs or something, rewards for things like make the playoffs, win the division/world series, etc. Shouldn't be hard to do, but I think the devs consider all modes (offline or online) in DD as building a great team to play RS.
@escalarjmk said in We could use a season mode for offline DD:
Agree with this. A couple of years ago, maybe for the Finest cards, there were challenges where you had to go through and beat each MLB team in a 9 inning offline game that I thought was pretty fun. Difficulty increased as you started to play better teams.
2k has this. Except you have to beat each team at different difficulties. But you get rewards from each one. Even as a mainly online player I do wish there were more to do offline with my team, when im not in the mood for ranked, events or br. Like right now, not playing this event and barely playing ranked. 2k has a bunch of things you can do offline with your myteam. Im just not into like that.