Best stadium to use for a relocated team?
I just moved the A's to Portland. I was wondering if anyone knows a good stadium to use. The least signage and logo's etc. The minors are just too small. What do you guys use?
I Use crosley field! I created a team and replaced them with the Orioles. Crosley gives you the most classic MLB feel without having other teams logos around the stadium.
I use old Atlanta for my Jays, the other stadiums don't give me good attendance but old Atalanta gives me between 35 & 45 thousand a night.
I would suggest the new Texas stadium. It doesn’t have a ton of team signage and since it’s a retractable roof stadium would be appropriate for the wet climate of Portland.
Hot_Rod510, you are spot on. I love it. For everyone, Texas Stadium is really nice. It has only some small signs on outfield wall, not even color, and your Logo is huge on left/center, scoreboard, Batting circles on field and best of all, on the electronic banners behind plate and all along the stadium. They use your colors and logo plus your team name. It's a fantastic look when you pitch. It even has a Canadian flag flying, as well as USA & Texas. I still wish the crowds wore your logos on outfits, they just wear default plain clothing. But until they add a generic stadium you can tweek, this can work. Thanks to Hot_Rod510 for finding it.
You’re welcome