Players from europe ?
Same for me, i have very good connection (fiber) and monitor but i feel like there's a' input lag of 0.5 second... It's horrible compared to last year.
Hope it's because internet is overused thos days... -
I'm from the UK, love the game but an absolutely terrible online. Who knows looking at your comments above it may be lag related. Or I am just that terrible at the game!
That's definitely unplayable right now... I'd love to grind some RS games. Instead, only mode i can play is showdown and conquest.
I don't know how to recognize that input lag. But even all-star difficulty looks much faster on my tv, than legend difficulty looks when I watch some streamers. Is it the case?
It's happening to me too. I'm from South America. Game is unplayable. I have a great connection and am playing on wire. Not WiFi. Game is freezing a lot when I'm up to bat. First 3 pitches are impossible to even make contact because of freezing and when you realize it's a fastball the ball is already being thrown back to the pitcher by the catcher. Impossible to play onlne.
Still not fixed for me, i have the "waiting for opponent" message between every at bat and everything is laggy as [censored].
How are we supposed to enjoy the game if it's u playable online ? -
I don’t know but they won’t give you a refund even though the game isn’t fit for purpose online. Once you’ve downloaded it you’re stuck with it, even if it’s broken according to Sony. I tried emailing support, I tried submitting bug reports here, I tried submitting feedback here and I tried posting negative comments on social media and here on TSN Forum. At this point the options are as follows;
- Play anyway and struggle through a succession of horrific games that are rarely enjoyable, just so you are progressing through the game at roughly the same rate as the rest of the playerbase.
- Don’t play until they release a patch in the hope it fixes fielding and swing timing windows being unworkable. Trouble is there’s no guarantee it will fix anything of the sort, although I expect a fielding fix at some point, there’s also no time frame for a patch, it could be weeks away yet.
- Keep playing offline modes which are slightly better in terms of playability, if you avoid the rigged ones designed to intentionally frustrate and annoy, such as Showdown, Moments etc.
- Just say F- it and quit for the year. Or for good.
I tried 3 but the offline content is terrible again this year, absolutely nothing to do outside of conquest and the rigged stuff, so I’m going with 1 for now, but will probably end up moving to 4 at this rate.
I dont want a refund, i want online games as it was on mlb 19 the show. I just hope it's because network is overused with all people staying home.
And as you say, we can still play offline. But grinding showdown again and again is starting to be boring -
I'm another Brit, English guy who lives in Scotland and have a monitor etc but find online play is generally a disaster, not all down to my ageing reflexes either, I just imagine playing someone on the West coast near to SDS and the servers and here I am 6000 miles away and no monitor is ever going to compete.
I play online occasionally but for consistency I tend to play 162 game franchise seasons. -
Yes it was bad but bought a new PS4 and it’s generally a lot better with less teleportation of pitches but really depends on the time you play as well. If you get someone in Europe not to bad but generally it’s America’s or South Korea for me if I play at certain times.
Monitor and good connection is vital though do not ever play using WiFi it will always lag to some degree.