Completely missing my digital deluxe items
I logged on and went to create my team in diamond dynasty but my app crashed I loaded up and remade the team and never got my items
Send a support ticket to SDS
Same here. Missing since the early access. Opened a ticket and no answer in days.
Same here opened a ticket no answer followed up in same thread no answer. I did this Friday. It is getting very frustrating...
Same here.
Will this issue get resolved? -
The team is working hard to field tickets related to missing rewards (among other things), so hang in there. Really appreciate everyone's patience!
I want to update and say that I just received an email stating that the missing items have been added to my account. When I get home I will confirm this.
Why do we spend $100 and get a below standard experience...
I agree. While I am glad my items are there most of the packs I received I already have better cards than the ones in the pack. Would've been a better experience starting out in DD with those cards.
Totally agree that it's a big inconvenience, guys. Sorry about that, but glad to hear that it sounds like we're getting closer to a resolution. Appreciate your patience!