Error: I can’t play cause I don’t own a current gen console
@nick23400_PSN said in Error: I can’t play cause I don’t own a current gen console:
like the old saying goes if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
I got news for was broken.
Be thankful it was 5 years,when PS4 came out PS3 was done after 2 years.
@chef_423_PSN If like me you are on a fixed income, or have a monthly budget, then yes $500 is an expense that can be hard to justify. My suggestion would be that OP save whatever money they can and buy a current gen system when they can.
@nick23400_PSN You can go to any local Gamestop where you live and make as little as a $5 payment, and you can eventually pay for a PS5 that way, or you can pay $200 for a used one, or $300-$400 for a new one there. It's that simple! Normally, since at least the end of the cycle for PS2, they usually allow and make sports games for the old consoles for two years, then afterwards they phased them out for the new systems. The only reason that it didn't happen for five years in this current PS5 cycle was because of Covid, and it took most people two years to find one, much less buy one. At Gamestop, I usually exchanged old controllers that I didn't use, exchanged physical games (Ones with Discs), and my old outdated systems for payment for the new ones. I have done this for decades, and you can, too. Or, you can wait between 2026-2028 for the new PS6 to come out, and pay for it then. It's your choice! SDS and MLB aren't obligated to make a game for an outdated system that is almost at the end of its cycle.
@nick23400_PSN sorry, that is life … this is a normal way to improve the product. If you do not do that, the customers and product will be gone eventually… this game cycle has been way too long.
@Romulusvex_XBL said in Error: I can’t play cause I don’t own a current gen console:
@chef_423_PSN If like me you are on a fixed income, or have a monthly budget, then yes $500 is an expense that can be hard to justify. My suggestion would be that OP save whatever money they can and buy a current gen system when they can.
This is where credit cards comes in handy.
@xsdert34_PSN said in Error: I can’t play cause I don’t own a current gen console:
@nick23400_PSN You can go to any local Gamestop where you live and make as little as a $5 payment, and you can eventually pay for a PS5 that way, or you can pay $200 for a used one, or $300-$400 for a new one there. It's that simple! Normally, since at least the end of the cycle for PS2, they usually allow and make sports games for the old consoles for two years, then afterwards they phased them out for the new systems. The only reason that it didn't happen for five years in this current PS5 cycle was because of Covid, and it took most people two years to find one, much less buy one. At Gamestop, I usually exchanged old controllers that I didn't use, exchanged physical games (Ones with Discs), and my old outdated systems for payment for the new ones. I have done this for decades, and you can, too. Or, you can wait between 2026-2028 for the new PS6 to come out, and pay for it then. It's your choice! SDS and MLB aren't obligated to make a game for an outdated system that is almost at the end of its cycle.
Let me know where you're finding a used PS5 for $200. I'll take 5 of them. My Gamestop has them for $400+.
@YOSHI24_XBL I think you're struggling with reading comprehension again. You keep regurgitating the same non-sense about the show not returning to old gen... I never said that it was. I was having an on-topic discussion not a debate. You came in here attempting to make it a debate but so far you have been unsuccessful and incapable of actually producing an argument.
My point was that discontinuing support on old gen was completely pointless. What did it accomplish? How did it improve the product? If they released a new game with overhauled graphics I could understand. But instead they released the same old game with the same old gen visual assets from 2018 and then failed to support it on old gen hardware. Do you really not see the irony? It's essentially a ps4 game that will only work on the ps5
@xsdert34_PSN "SDS and MLB aren't obligated to make a game for an outdated system that is almost at the end of it's cycle"
What?!?! They literally made the game for the nintendo switch. That is the definition of an outdated system near the end of it's cycle.... Come on, There's no way you can actually be that oblivious -
@Jayseearr_PSN the Nintendo switch is near the end of its cycle. The ps4 should be at least 3 years PAST the end of its cycle.
I think consoles were ready for a new gen. The 16gb of ram and the m.2 drive alone warranted the upgrade. Apu and integrated graphics have been making pretty big leaps the last few years too. Most AAA titles and sports games have made significant visual improvements over the last couple years. Games like this this that are stuck with 2018 graphics in 2025 are pretty few and far between. I think the issue is they are trying to scrape by on this outdated graphics engine that can't even leverage new hardware correctly. This game has been left in the dust...Hell, even Pga 2k is leaps and bounds ahead of this game visually now. Have you seen nba 2k25? The graphics and player models look 10 years ahead of this game...How is that even possible?
@The_Bad_Seed85_PSN Correct. But he didn't say for outdated systems 2-3 years past their cycle he said outdated systems near the end of their cycle...Did you see the message I was responding to? do you see the difference? And why context matters?
While we're at it though maybe we need to discuss what a "cycle" actually is. The ps4 is much more capable of running this game than the switch. Period. So which one has really reached the end of their cycle? Market cycle and capability cycle are two very different things. Just because there's a new playstation doesn't mean the old one is any less capable of running this game. And on the other hand just because the switch is the newest nintendo device doesn't make it any MORE capable of running the game. The switch is for mario and donkey kong not modern 3d games. If you can't understand that I really don't know what else to tell you.
@Jayseearr_PSN I take your initial point and I didn’t read all the way back but being as you chose to be a condescending [censored] we may as well delve further. Personally I wouldn’t have the game on switch either as it is ‘as you would say’ outdated. It is however, the most recent console available to Nintendo users so can understand why they are under pressure to release on that console.
I will dispute your claim of there being no change. I agree that the player models could do with more improvement but environments (stadiums in general, quality of the dirt, turf, crowds) have improved greatly. There are numerous topics on here where people have complained about overheating, which will in part be due to poor optimisation, but shows that the system must be being tasked more than before.
Also, it takes a lot of work to optimise a game for a system. It’s not like they just have to press the ‘make game work on PS4’ button and it’s good to go. The more time spent in the current gen version the better.
@The_Bad_Seed85_PSN The system is being taxed more due to bad optimization...not some radical jump in graphics quality. You're not going to gaslight me into thinking this game looks any better than last year. You said the stadiums are better? Which ones? I must have missed them. I noticed the royals stadium is the exact same. Load up that stadium and tell me those waterfalls aren't straight from the ps2 era. Load up the reds stadium and tell me those car models aren't absolutely ancient. You said the crowd looks better? Another swing and a miss... I have both games and my eyes work just fine I can confidently say the crowd models are no different.
And that's your argument....? The fact that this abomination is melting ps5s is somehow your indicator that the graphics are better? That tells me everything I need to know right there. How about the shadows? They look like stick figures or crash dummys or something and they don't even match the player model...I suppose you're going to tell me how those made a generational leap next right?
@Jayseearr_PSN what possible reason would I have to gaslight you on graphical quality.
And is that your only benchmark? Earlier you used 2K sports games as a benchmark of quality yet they have been ripping the cash out of people’s wallets for years with the most disgusting practices used in gaming. Are they really the ones to be looked up to? -
@The_Bad_Seed85_PSN I'm not sure what reason you would have...That's why I'm so confused that you're trying to sell me on this. I've played both games within the last 2 weeks on the same system using the same display and there is virtually not one thing that stands out to me that I can clearly and confidently say is noticeably improved. I was using 2ks graphics as a comparison because it's another sports game on the same console. I think that's a pretty fair and logical thing to do. You can substitute EA sports games if you want they are years ahead visually as well. Their practices had nothing to do with the conversation we were talking about graphics and console generations remember? If you want to talk about scummy business practices we could go on for eternity
@Jayseearr_PSN indeed you could but the two issues aren’t mutually exclusive. These disgusting business practices are what funds these advances. Also, baseball doesn’t have the global appeal that football or basketball has shrinking the finances for development further. My point being that the fact that they are all sports games isn’t a balanced point of comparison.
@The_Bad_Seed85_PSN Look at you backpedaling just throwing darts at the wall. Comparing sports games in the same market in the same year is somehow an unreasonable thing to do? This is getting comical, each point failing harder than the last. You went from spewing nonsense about how much better the graphics were to defending the bad graphics only a couple posts later. Do you have any evidence to suggest that American football has more "global appeal" than baseball or is that more nonsense because baseball is huge in south America and Asia but football is only really popular in one country. You are punching above your weight class dude. Find yourself a girl and love her half as much as you love this game.
@Jayseearr_PSN I’m going to keep this brief because your lunacy is getting irritating now. No backpedaling here as I still see big improvements just not the astronomical improvements you expect in a year on year cycle. Your thinking is to narrow if you think just because it’s a sports game it sport be a like for like comparison, there are other factors to bear in mind but you are too pig headed to even comprehend (despite being out of my weight class of course). I was talking about football not American football and I met her 20 years ago and love her significantly more than this game.
@The_Bad_Seed85_PSN Lunacy ey? Lunacy is sitting here telling me with a straight face that there are big improvements when there clearly aren't. There haven't been in years. Go back to Mlb the show 18 this game doesn't even have significant improvements over that. This game is 1 nearly 2 generations behind every other AAA game in it's category. It doesn't matter if you were talking about soccer or football you missed the point. You said global appeal was a reason these other games are further ahead but madden has less global appeal than baseball and your logic begins to fall apart. You act like we're talking about a indie developer here it's San diego studios they have the official MLB license this title has been established for years and years. I have no dog in this fight I wanted to like the game but I'm not gonna sit here and white knight and pretend that it's something it's not. I'll leave that you.