Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
I am having the same issue, anyone found a work around? Or did you magically just log in and it worked a day later?
Getting the same issue all of a sudden
I just got on to play diamond dynasty and this is the message I get “squad not found”. Honestly ridiculous that we spent extra money to play this game early just for it to do this. Fix this please!
I didn't buy it early for this. If you don't take action quickly, I'll ask for a refund.
@SDS_JoeK_PSN 8 hour later?? are you kidding me????
If I downloaded the update that says it fixed this issue and still have the issue is there anything I can do?
Updated but still not working
Still not working after update
Had this issue Friday. It was fixed. Occurring again this morning
@TheB3Squad_PSN I had to submit a ticket last time. Took a bit but got fixed that way