Network Error Squad not found for the show 25
Same Issue. Just started... was bugged and kicked out of mini seasons, then logged off and back on, then couldn't even get into Diamond Dynasty
My problem was fixed for around 5 hours last night. Logged on this morning and now I’m facing the same issue. What’s going on ?!??!
This is not what I paid for. Free Stubs are owed!![alt text]([image url](```
* link url -
Can’t access my account but on my other psn it works fine??
Can’t get on moments or dynasty but don’t worry I can go on the market
I love looking at the streamers on twitch playing the game I just paid $100 for and cant play any part of it because of a, "squad not found error". PlayStation's refund system is horrible or I'd have already gotten my money back, what a scam.
I am having the same issue, anyone found a work around? Or did you magically just log in and it worked a day later?
Getting the same issue all of a sudden
I just got on to play diamond dynasty and this is the message I get “squad not found”. Honestly ridiculous that we spent extra money to play this game early just for it to do this. Fix this please!
I didn't buy it early for this. If you don't take action quickly, I'll ask for a refund.
@SDS_JoeK_PSN 8 hour later?? are you kidding me????