What NEEDS to be in Stadium Creator in MLB 25 (Some people brought some stuff up several times that I added to this cus they sound good imo) AND SDS PLEASE FKN ADD THESE ALRIGHT ITS NEXT-GEN ONLY SHEESH!
Custom foul territories
Premade foul territories WITH seats from small amount to MLB and MILB seats
Yellow lines, sponsors, and distance numbers on the walls
Team logos on the grass even in Diamond Dynasty
Scoreboards in the walls like MLB stadiums do and it would show scores from MLB games or the scores in Online Matches currently in progress
Custom bleachers/ Bleacher creation like we can make our bleachers from scratch
A Community Share for props and others (Ex. Making a water fall with props from the game and group together and put it in a community share slot just like how players share their stadiums)
Custom bleachers and customize the angles of the bleachers (Choosing a pre-set stand and having the ability to cut the stands in half or in any size you want instead of having to cover parts of the stands in Custom Stadiums)
MORE Storage for Custom Stadiums because it's on Next Gen
Ads behind home plate like real stadiums have them
Being able to move the Bullpens behind the outfield walls
Custom Foul poles
Custom batter's eyes (Idk if it's possible but if it is there might be some limitations)
Custom Jumbotron sizes, shapes, styles, and graphics
Custom Press Box and Luxury Suites
Having the ability to have the warning track and infield sand to have the same sand
Have cars and aircraft drive or fly by the stadium just like real life MLB Stadiums
Have the ability to put fans and seats on areas that are very spaced but for some reason in MLB 24 it can't let you put them there
Foul Netting distance like real MLB Stadiums
More roof designs
The ability to make indoor stadiums and retractable roofs
Have screened walls for fans to see through on the ground levels similar to the Braves stadium in right field
Fix the Stadiums Lights brightness because MLB Stadiums can have 4 light poles and the stadium is good but if you add 4 light poles in Custom Stadiums its dimmed
Custom standing room areas (Pre-Set)
Have ribbons on the dugouts like in real MLB stadiums
Good luck.
I’m with Joe, buddy- good luck, SDS has fumbled this ball completely.
I agree wholeheartedly with your list as it’s what we’ve been requesting and submitting as feedback for four years…SDS just ignores it.
@Sarge1387_PSN Ngl we need to spam the list in this forum IF SDS has the eyes to see it
Folks, my natural personality is decidedly not negative. But, after beating my head against the wall giving SDS professional feedback (all constructive) having it all ignored over the years, I'm done giving these guys any benefit of the doubt.
SC is the way it is because SDS wants it that way. They don't care to make it work better.
@Invinitee_XBL it's not going to do anything. I read your list, no exaggerating here ...over 100 times in this forum and reddit posted by others. It falls on deaf ears. All you need to see is create a logo and create a uniform. Those two features have never changed. This isn't either. This is what the feature is until a PC version comes out and the CAS community takes matters into our own hands and mod it ourselves.
Bump bump bump
What about removing all restrictions for non-competitive stadiums? If I want to put neon letters in CF, remove my batters eye, or place things above the field of play in my own personal stadium, I should be able to do that. Just don't make it eligible for competitive online.
I like the idea of giving “allowances” for moving the walls to keep them online eligible, things like 10 feet in or out, and wall height 2 feet up or down.
Bump bump bump
Maybe if Sony brings in another studio or support staff, that is the only way I see anything being added. This studio still cannot get this game to run consistently at a smooth 60 fps, or do any quality assurance testing and bug fixes. -
What about removing all restrictions for non-competitive stadiums? If I want to put neon letters in CF, remove my batters eye, or place things above the field of play in my own personal stadium, I should be able to do that. Just don't make it eligible for competitive online.
In my view, IF -- and I think it's a huge IF at this point -- SDS really wants to upgrade SC, then I think this is the only way we get the ability to edit the baseline walls and render the batters eye props in the same manner all other props can be rendered. The use of these options will have to render the stadium ineligible for all DD use.
Again, if SDS cares to implement these expanded options, they will have the mindset from all the chronic complainers that plague the DD sub-forums, and so they will want to guarantee that no one can claim people are "cheating" by using custom stadiums that either artificially reward or punish DD players whether playing online competition modes or even offline modes.
It is to prevent this very option to "cheat" the DD mode that caused MLB 23 to initially implement proper two-way players in the game, but then a month after initial release, suddenly two-way players were never able to hit and pitch in the same game, which obviously ruins one of the greatest advantages a team can obtain by developing a two-way player. The reason for this patch change was DD player moaning about their perception that players in DD modes were using two-way players to double up on points used to collect cards and other rewards.
This was finally "fixed" in MLB 24 by SDS coders firmly removing the ability of DD players to use any player they created in RTTS on their DD team rosters. Yeah, there was plenty of complaints about that from DD players, but SDS made the right choice.
What about removing all restrictions for non-competitive stadiums? If I want to put neon letters in CF, remove my batters eye, or place things above the field of play in my own personal stadium, I should be able to do that. Just don't make it eligible for competitive online.
I've always suggested that all created stadiums be allowed in DD use, at bare minimum for grinding against the CPU WITH restrictions, which would still keep stadiums realistic and fair.
Allow us 10-15 feet of distance/wiggle room in or out on the walls, and 2 feet up or down on the height...we have to be allowed to have some creative freedom with the online stuff..there's gotta be middle ground
You have a reasonable request, but I don't think SDS would agree to the extra code complexity. Then again, I think the whole point is moot because I sincerely believe SDS has zero desire much less intent to ever upgrade Stadium Creator.
Honestly brother, I'm pushing for a roundtable via Zoom, or chat on Twitch or something with guys like you, me, Smonee, OriginalAlex from reddit, few other creators...just an open transparent conversation about where they are at, vs what we'd like to see. The mode could be a gold mine with the right set of parameters and coding.
I sincerely hope you are successful. To me, the entire situation with SDS is based on stubborn refusal to listen to customers all of whom are providing honest and constructive feedback and are being ignored.
If SDS cared a whit about SC, they would participate in a video roundtable with the folks you mention. I would be interested. It would be 30 minutes or so of very productive time if SDS would take it seriously.
I agree but I like stadium presets, and copy’s of MLB dimensions and elevations. Would be dope if there was a copy of the Phillies stadium that I can edit (and if it’s a copy the bullpens are copied too) to make mine and raise 10 to 25ft because I feel it would be pretty comp in DD online.